Five Senses - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

Dec 8, 2018
Can someone explain his one to me xD is it as depressing and creepy as i think or am i misunderstanding?
Jan 26, 2018
I really liked this story!!
@Chisako I think the sempai has been lusting after his kouhai, and having erotic dreams every night, so much that it's causing him to lose sleep. It's depicted to be kind of ambiguous what's real and what's not real, but imo his dreams turned into reality that one time he invited his kouhai over. There's a maybe-fakeout after that when you think the kouhai is watering his cactus, but the sempai wakes up again and no one is there, but it's hinted that it's real when someone smoking enters the house again.
Oct 11, 2020
wait, i have rather weird opinion about this chapter. i thought the senpai just dreaming, but i sense something fishy when the kouhai gave him sleeping pills and evem recommends him to regularly drink those pills.

at the end of the chapt, last panel, the senpai is sleeping bcs of the pills as always, and he thought, 'is it dream, or reality?', and the there was someone opened the door, the kouhai.

so i think all this time, that senpai isn't dreaming at all. they really did have sex, almost every night, with the senpai didnt even notice it (well he said he has some trouble with his condition). so the kouhai aimed his senpai from the very start. wow, that's pretty creepy knowing that the kouhai sneaked into senpai's house and attack him whilts the latter is unconscious.

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