@SuperOniichan It's not that it can't, it's that invariably someone comes in that doesn't understand Japanese, relies entirely on machine translation, quite obviously doesn't have decent English-language skills and pushes out chapters that are barely readable and/or close to troll releases. There's a lot of people who will 1. be totally happy with this barely-readable output and also 2. bash the previous translators for being slow/holding back chapters/etc.
Unsurprisingly this discourages the people that take their time to do proper releases, frequently leading to them quitting and finding another title to translate instead. And then invariably, now that there's no one to snipe, and it turns out that pushing out troll releases with machine translation is actually kind of boring in the long run, the other person quits and then
no one is translating the title at all.
For those of us that care about a title and want decent quality translations, the above is
really fucking annoying to put it mildly.
I don't know if this translator's trying to troll deliberately, but the quality of their releases, that insanely troll-ish screw-up with the last page
and their trollish-sounding nick kind of makes it hard to give them the benefit of the doubt. People are assuming the worst and are upset at the possibility a great manga they love is going to end up with no one translating it because of another damn troll. Would
you be happy at that outcome?