Misidentifying yourself as a MangaDex staff member could result in a ban.
MangaDex does not condone contacting groups about changing their restrictions or uploading their releases. If you are contacting a group, be nice and make it clear you are not associated with MangaDex.
Abusing the chapter report function could result in a ban.
Do not report any releases for any translation or visual quality issues that originate from the scanlator. These reports will be ignored.
Circumventing group upload restrictions in any way could result in a ban.
Avoid edit wars. If another user edits a comic entry to something different from what you had previously edited and you disagree with their edit, do not change it back, but immediately notify a staff member.
If you think a release has been taken down mistakenly, do not reupload. Contact staff.
Comments and Forums
Be Civil
Disagreeing with an opinion is totally fine. All we ask is that you keep to the topic at hand and refrain from resorting to personal attacks on other involved parties. To that end, please avoid racist, sexist, and religious discrimination or other terminology where the intended outcome is to be offensive.
It is preferred that you take any (extended) disagreements into a private conversation.
Don't Be Disruptive
Keep your posts on topic.
Do not post blatant spoilers outside of designated forums.
Avoid cluttering up discussions with memes or image responses to posts.
No trolling. Controversial opinions and topics are welcome when accompanied by a point of view aimed at generating genuine discussion.
Don't Make the Staff's Job Harder
Do not argue with a moderator about an action in a thread.
Do not encourage others to break the rules.
Do not file reports of posts, users, comments, or comic chapters in bad faith.
Content on MangaDex Forums
Posting child pornography or links to it is strictly prohibited.
If something is not safe for work, please ensure that you mark it appropriately.
Pornography is fine, but please ensure that it is kept to the relevant forums.
Spoilers belong in spoiler tags.
Linking to external sites via advertising redirects is not allowed.
Appealing a Moderator's Action
If you are the recipient of some form of action by a Moderator for breaking the rules and you disagree with it, please contact the Moderator via PM.