@DreyDrey Not to use the, I'm a woman card, but I'm a woman who works in an industry where female voices are looked down upon and I have to fight against that all the time. Wasn't trying to be sexist and I don't think I was. Really do not appreciate how you're twisting my comments when I was trying to be polite? Tbh I don't think anything I said was very sexist sorry to make you rant, but glad you took some time to fix and research your argument more. Literally was just pointing out the things from your comment that contradicted things I learned in AP Bio like half a decade ago so sorry if it wasn't to the detailed degree that you were expecting on a manga website lol I'm not getting graded on this.
Anyways, I wasn't saying that as a way to justify or say that it's the right thing that younger women are with older men at all in relation to child brides (no where in my comment did I say that at all? Like excuse me? But ???). I was simply stating that it a possible that women may mature faster (I also meant psychologically? Not physically in case that wasn't obvious) than men because of the hardships society puts them up against because of how women are looked down upon and treated as lesser than which is the same thing that you just said? So aren't we in agreement? Your prior post seemed to say that this wasn't true, but if I misconstrued your comment than sorry about that.
In relation to the webtoon, I don't think the ages matter that much in respect to their bodies since a 4 year difference isn't much so personally I don't care about that. Life experiences-wise there is a bit of a gap, but as they grow older it'll become less apparent then currently (speaking from personal experience and from friends). I just want MC to be happy in her relationship. I'm also rooting for her childhood friend because I think their relationship is p cute. I'm sure the sunbae is a nice guy, but *shrugs*
Anyways, happy reading and have a good day. Hope this didn't inflame you more or something. Won't reply further since I don't have time for a stranger on the internet ranting at me for no reason.