Frau Trude - Grimm-Adjacent Tales - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - Rapunzel

Double-page supporter
Nov 10, 2019
I'm not sure, but I think she was stuck in time and what was kept in those sacks was future. The doll resembles her friend, so I guess it was about letting go of the childhood, since it was a boy that freed her, same way how growing up in girls is connected to them starting to notice boys. This is all just my interpretation, of course.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
In the postscript he said it is a about a girls hearth, she is being shackled by her childhood, and this is about how she has to face herself and grow up, when the boy comes and saves her from being consumed by a room littered by plushies and dolls is when she starts realizing how she is being trapped within herself.

This couples with her cutting her hair as a signifying a change of image and a new self, and meeting the boy starting to find new people interesting and those of the opposite sex.

With that said i sure wish the author had went a bit more at length explaining this one.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
My interpretation is different. The guy, whose name she initially doesn't remember, says he'll always be with her at the end. To me, this hints that he's a BF/husband that she lost and tried to forget. She's locked herself away in grief, eternal night, not wanting to deal with it. The sacks are her good memories (including those of him), with the sacks she hasn't opened being future good memories she's waiting to have. The room full of oddities is just the dross of her regular life. Going deeper, there's comfort in her childhood rooms, but fall back into those rosy memories, and you'll never escape. The mannequins -- perhaps all the people around her, who failed her, or offered her comforts. Rage against the world in the face of her loss (which she doesn't remember till the end).

The old lady is a bit puzzling for me. A stern figure who gives her tasks to do, who, at the end, she realizes "was never there at all". Someone holding her back, telling her what she should be doing, perhaps someone in her life saying she still needs to keep up the house in her grief, etc. And at the end, she sets herself free from the cage she's created, remembering the good in life (and him) and moving on.

Anyway, by far my favorite story in the volume :)
Oct 15, 2019
Thanks for translating this work. All the retellings of those old fairy tales were pretty interesting.

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