So, let me see if I got this right:
- Gengo in 2014 notices a disturbance in the Force and somehow forces it to materialize it self in the form of Maria.
- Before, after or during screwing aforementioned Maria, he discovers that the "Transcendental Will" has pretty much decided that humans are to go ( quite a topic for pillow talk ) . Gengo, being a human, does not take that lightly.
- Gengo forces the creation of a duplicate Earth via dropping magic pillars everywhere, where some people are literally made escape goats of all negative emotions and dropped on Earth as Nova.
- As those Nova obviously have to be fought, Gengo convinces the world governements to make a global force to fight them, Chevalier. Also, Pandoras.
- As the result of that, the "Transcendental Will", seeing that humans still have the will to fight, will postpone Humanity demise ( atleast that is what Gengo thinks )
Well ... *slow clap* ... that is quite a gambit, Gengo. Not sure if a brilliant or a demented gambit, but definitely a hell of a gamble. This only confirms my gut feeling from a long time ago that the Real MC in this manga was Gengo, not his half-breed and spineless grandson... Also, more plot development in the last 2-3 chapters than in the previous 200 of them ... I mean , story plot , not the other kind of "plot"