From Overshadowed to Overpowered: Second Reincarnation of a Talentless Sage - Vol. 2 Ch. 6.4

Double-page supporter
Nov 15, 2018
@wulfleyn ummm ... most if not all birds are carnivorous. They're omnivores to be exact, and opportunist feeders. They'll eat bugs and they'll also eat meat if they can. Even herbivores like cows, horses, and deers will eat meat if given the opportunity and they if they want/need to. Just watch videos of people videoing farm animals chomping down on baby chicks and such. And all birds are technically predators as well, just probably not on the top of the food chain, but a predator nonetheless.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 22, 2018
Hmmm...I know it valuable and all but u seriously gonna be flaunting around drago poop around a high class food establishment?
Mar 8, 2019
If he actually gave a fuck he'd prioritize getting rid of her slave hex. Man i hate it when characters suddenly become inconsistent just because the author absolutely insists that his story needs to copy a goddamn trope 1:1
Double-page supporter
Apr 3, 2020
The classic "I rescued this slave from her oppressive master, but I won't free her cuz that would take too much effort/she likes being my slave" trope...
It's the most played out garbage in the fucking isekai universe.

It's the best indicator that both the mangaka and their self-insert character are complete trash human beings. On the DnD scale, they're chaotic neutral. They're selfish and do whatever they want, with no regards for others.
Oct 20, 2018
@MrMcNasty I mean unless you can guaranteed what they're going to eat, where they're going to live, what they're going to work for then yeah that's a lot of effort.

IMO arslan senki did a great job at explaining why as bad as slavery is, you can't just free them and be done with it.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 3, 2019
If the MC really wanted to take the screws to this place he'd only need to make a few contacts for them to arrive...
May 13, 2019
@MrMcNasty that, and 'oh but i won't mistreat her but rather treat her differently and be very kind to her but don't worry its not a conscious decision and im totally not doing it to get in her pants' trope.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2018
@MrMcNasty they explained in a previous chapter, if he freed her people would try to capture her to make her a slave again, it's much safer for her to remain his slave and be treated as free, than be captured and sold to scum all over again
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
that's just a dumb excuse the author made up to justify MC keeping a slave
and he likely won't buy her actual clothes because "reasons" too
Nov 14, 2019
I'd say that while yes its an excuse that's also the case with 1. Him having the ability to retain his memories. 2. Him having magic in the first place. 3. Him being treated poorly. etc etc etc
If you are going to pick at anything for being a literary device you should just start burning every book in existence because their stories are 'just because the author wanted this to happen in his story he's creating'. In the case of the setting it'd be more that while he's amazing at magic he either DOESN'T have the ability to remove slavery magic (Note he was most known for his lightning magic not necessarily everything else. Perhaps its not in his purview despite his efforts....) or perhaps its not something that can explicitly be undone except by the caster of the spell or the person who was designated to cancel it on casting. And the excuse explicitly given was that if she still has the slavery magic on her then she can get claimed as a slave by someone easily.

Add on that her whole existence has been a slave basically meaning if he just freed her and left her she'd probably get grabbed and thrown right back into slavery through trickery or force.... its enough reason. If he reveals that he can actually remove it himself later that's another thing entirely, though they could try to make the excuse then that he wasn't removing it until 'she could live on her own' or something. It'd need to be a new reason given at such a time.
Mar 8, 2019
Exactly. I mean it's not like she'd just wander off once he set her free. It's likely the MC would try to keep her around as a new apprentice.
And even if she did wander off, it could have become an interesting story arch where we could see the descendant learn the consequence of her immaturity and naivety. At the same time we could see the MC, though strong enough to never worry about himself, suffer as he can't always protect people he's attached to.

The author basically dropped the ball on some prime real estate which he could have capitalized on by inserting actual torment, moral dilemmas, and eventual triumphs.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 24, 2018
Roll Roll Roll the Trope, straight into the bin.

Verily warily another failed parody,

Among the trash, its kin.
Double-page supporter
Dec 23, 2018
so the privilege to say no to things they dont like only extends to cute girls who catch the MC's eye right?

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