From Today I'll Be a Goddess - Ch. 241

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
well, this is a very chinese ending, if i may say so.
Jan 19, 2018
Thanks for the ending lol. I didn't realize there were so many chapters already published.
I kinda agree on dropping it, it was just kinda muddling along.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
while I can't agree with just skipping to the end, it's understandable that you dropped it
as much as the author was trying to flesh out the world and everything the story started losing sight of its roots as a tg romcom and just couldn't pull it off. the fact that theres over 100 chapters between the last arc goes to show just how deep they were trying to dig.
at least glad to know that she managed to get the girl and still didn't change back, always love the type of ending where they move on from the initial shock and just continue their life, or whatever that situation was anyways.
appreciate that anyone took the time to translate thus far so hope you guys enjoy whatever the next series you do is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
wow so looks like MC gets 2 girls, the cute fox waifu Xaio Xaio who loves him AND Kaka the human girl who was his first love....I guess that was a good price to pay for MC turning into a girl for life and he wins 2 waifus with it...nice ending indeed

Hopefully someday someone translate the rest of this series but I doubt it, still thx for the effort and the ending chapter
Jul 26, 2019
well over now, the end spoiler is tolerable esp thanks to the skip, reading thr4 a33 6f ahk, numlock op qq'

reading thru 100 so ch for this ending would've been sad, so i suppose i just still will not comprehend all the mainstream hate for spoilers,,

@AncientWatcher _ , +1

edit ; Ty for trans, and everything here
even if ch r short, all the ch must have been all the work, thanks for all the time that was put into this i guess, i don t know how else to write it.

yuri end is nice, although a more-__ , in depth end would have been truly rather unexpected since it is rare enough for a shounen genre, younger demo target* to even have such an -ahem* "open minded" ending even if ur only looking at comment sections with all the children shouting for turning male chars into female chars completely as if they were never male in the first place in the TSF, erm-subgenre? _, even if- though when a story starts with an X-Year old guy getting gb'ed immediately, they would've literally been alive as a male for X years,,, or something, i might edit this more, bye-=

ah before i forget again, ik that a certain ply would , *inferr? a futa end, maybe idk what i mean tho
Jan 11, 2021
Well... I guess that’s an ending. I’m glad we could skip 100 chapters leading to that sort of unfinished feeling thing.

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