...As someone with a chronic pain condition... this was perfect. It's beautiful. I mean that in all sincerity.
There is nothing, nothing in the world more frustrating then being told, implicitly or directly, that the pain you experience is because you're not *doing* enough. To be approached as if you can be fixed, when you know it's hopeless, when you just want to damn well *be*. Genuinely my favorite interaction I have ever had with a doctor on meeting them, after I told them my diagnosis?
"Well. That sucks. Let's see what we can do for you."
No pity. No prying. Just acknowledgement.
Being stuck inside, being confined, being told if only you can endure this treatment... and all the worse if it comes on (like my thing, fibro does) when you're old enough you'll always remember it didn't used to be like this.
...this comment got a little away from me but. It just touched me immediately. Thank you so much for translating this; it's really wonderful to see myself in a story.
(also for anyone who wants some insight on why she does so much despite the pain- tbh, if you're always in pain... yeah, sure, some things can aggravate it to be worse. But it's going to come anyways. Might as well get to DO something.)