In a spin. Loving the spin I'm in. Under that old black magic called l... lies!
She sure weaves a web around herself

That's some top tier body paint art :O
Asagiri is so gay for her

I still think Asagiri knows and is turned on by how much trouble Airi goes through to for her sake.
@Luhood Idiot plot? You're saying this while stating you love Tachi, writer of one of the most moronic lame fanservice yuri manga around. Sakura Trick had it's good points - although mainly in the later volumes. The first volumes were beyond idiotic - and I'm not a fan of this if Asagiri is really going to end up getting hurt, but I don't think this story is going to end up that way. The lies aside, this is actually a pretty great story. A breath of fresh air among the lame trope-filled yuri manga usually produced.