@Lilliwyt Yep, the dates are screwed up one way or another. If it's meant to be 2020 in the manga (Koruri only said she
thought it expired this year, not it definitely did), then she'd be the right age (22 instead of 25), but she'd have gotten the passport two years ago while in college, not in high school. If the passport had been issued in 2016 and expired in 2021, that would make it all line up correctly.
@Heimdal @RedMarks Since her birth year does correspond to the correct age for a fourth-year college student in 2020, it probably is 2020 in the manga. See the above about date inconsistency.
@EggsNRice We've seen her go out drinking several times while in college, including getting drunk. I'm sure she's built up some tolerance thanks to that. One of those gave us this delightfully perverted moment from her: