@futbuk I certainly wouldn't have
alleged this, but it seems that
you are
describing yourself as a troll. That's normally what we call people who only post to mess with people, express their contempt and so forth. So where I stand for substantive things, what you apparently stand for is . . . trolling. Not sure what ground that leaves you to stand on feeling contempt for what someone else stands for, particularly since I've seen no evidence yet that you even understand what you are supposedly contemptuous of. Do you really imagine that you've given anyone any reason to value your opinions? You can pat yourself on the back thinking you got a rise out of me, but whatever side you're on (if there even is one other than free-floating need to annoy) you sure didn't make them look good. And again, the logical conclusion is, if all you're offering is content-free trolling, whatever side you're on must be rubbish. My original post, on the other hand, stands--it has merits to stand on and the person who came along disliking them (you) has so little ability to refute them that he didn't even try. I'm fine resting on those laurels.
I'm not quite sure what a year-measuring contest has to do with anything; lots of young people are intelligent and thoughtful, lots of old people are morons. But since you seem obsessed with the issue, I'm 53 . . . kid.