@Thrembs @Dzimitory92
I honestly can't be mad at people dropping this or wanting to drop it....me, personally I'm just mad at the timing of this new couple. It took forever to have at least
some mangaka/editor stuff going and now there storyline is basically just "on hold" and
that is pissing me off, the same goes for shizuku/imouto where this happened the first time....
iori/minami are established and pretty much "done", so I don't mind only getting some small interactions between them every now and then, but the other ship are more and more looking like pairing ideas the author had and wanted to explore and the moment Mikanuji no longer knew what to do with them, the next couple was introduced...if each one of these would have been seperate mangas that would have been randomly dropped and picked up like this, I probably would have stopped reading Mikanuji stuff long ago...now I have come so far as to at least stick around for one last chance....