I'm liking this fight way more, when they throw some hands. Noerde is getting likeable now, with tiny bits of backstory and motivations thrown in. I wonder though - is "latin dance" literally what Urana-sensei written or can this be an inaccurate translation? And if it really this way, can this be some kind of variation of our own world?
The "my race got wiped out" was a bit too on the nose for me. It's not my call, but I would've made Noerde think that part in her head instead of saying it out loudly. And then Riyo could figure it out herself or not at all. Let's see what Urana-sensei is cooking though. If it turns out to be some nice world building, I'm fine with a little bit of nonsensical dialogue.
Does Riyo's hair look like that in the volume too? Like, it was completely black for quite a few panels, before coming back to it's regular shade. Did I miss something?