the manga is set in some sort of medievalish times, by the age of 18 she would have had her third child or something.
And I am pretty sure they did not have super sentai black knight either, we could go deep into historical accuracy but the thing is it is not the point of this story, and the number could have been anything, it was a choice by the author do not try to hide that.
I mean if I am to rent how so many OI isekai think the old gen of humanity where dumbass and invent soap or crop rotation or advanced math... I will not go deep into it by ancient Egyptian understood quadratique equation, crop rotation was a thing and used in europe by the middle age (found in china first) and body hygiene was not bad, so yeah do not worry if I want I can bitch about historical accuracy a lot before going to the choice of age for the cast
I don’t disagree with you, but my initial reaction was: Thank God she’s actually 18.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been reading a Manga, and where the ages are 16 and 24+, causing me to nope out. (Or if the author really wants an older character, a 17 year old.)
the sad thing is that you are right and that is without even mentioning the whole sexualizing of teenager, heck even how the art of chara design is as always getting lost for horny design that would make no sense no matter the genre of the stories
But yeah, gdi authors. Would it kill you to have non-teenage character in romances with 20+ year olds? (Before anyone says anything I know they exist, however…… gestures at anime/manga as a whole)
Try to recommend cool story in manga or anime to your family without getting disowned challenge very hard.
heck even the great DanDaDan, if you show it to a well adjusted person they would point a lot of idiosyncrasy of Japan story telling that we just phase out