Gantz - Vol. 15 Ch. 174 - Target

Active member
May 19, 2019
Gantz is the best!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: OoOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhH NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The first sentence was before seeing the last panel (Exited there was a second hunting right away). Noooooooooooooooo Don't kill Tae :'( . Fuck off melons
Edit 2: If we go with how Gantz work. When they are outside they are forbidden from telling the truth and if the other party believe what they say they are dead meat. On the other hand if they are hunting and a human found out (like Tae did) then they should kill him. Really logical in an absurd way
Active member
Jan 25, 2019
That guy whose head explodes was a warning to not switch in and out of normal human frequency, and making Tae the target is to remove witness (though Gantz could just be trying to make Kurono, and the others time out without eliminating Tae and have their points reset).

One thing I don't understand is that the aliens seem to be only hostile in the area Gantz sent the suits to. Onions, Shorty, and Buddha were all pretty peaceful, and only started attacking after the black suits appeared and messed with them. Gantz might just be a part of an extremely advanced alien civilizations who is trying to take out the other alien races without involving their own people before invading earth.
Aggregator gang
Jul 17, 2019
what the fuck Gantz! Is this gonna force Kurono to kill humans?

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