
Jun 3, 2018
Gantz is easily my 2nd most favorite manga ever, right behind Berserk.

All the twists and surprises still keep me interested whenever I do my yearly re-read. And very few manga have a main characters with such interesting character arcs that make you hate them at first but root for them by the end.
Nov 28, 2019
ngl gantz first few chapters was interesting especially kei's character development.
but it just got dragged too much that i don't feel anything about many character death and the ending.
Double-page supporter
Dec 20, 2018
Slow but strong beginning, decent up until a few events and heading towards the second half is when things go off the rails and ends in a anticlimatic trainwreck. Some of the characters and plotlines go nowhere after they end but I guess it suits the nihilistic nature of the story nevertheless it's disappointing at worst. Still worth reading imo because the violence, ecchi and characters makes it worthwhile and easy to get hooked onto if you enjoy some realistic action (enough physics that makes the combat plausible despite the impossible technology) and diehard settings.
Aggregator gang
Aug 8, 2019
irritating yet promising beginning part
great middle part
questionable last part
atrocious ending
Dec 18, 2018
considering this was made seventeen years ago, it's still a very accurate portrayal of how horrible humans can be to others and one another. I guess people don't really change no matter much time you give them, they still do the same things other people did in the past.
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
Really damn good. One of the greats.
The panelling makes you feel like you're reading an action movie. Something to do with the author's style of drawing over CGI.
Expect shit to keep hitting the fan, and don't get attached to the characters. Good characters dying like flies in this one.
I think it's best to read in physical form, because scans make some CGI look messy.
Oct 24, 2018
One thing for sure i'm not rooting for tae x kei. The author literally just destroyed reika x kei ship and it's fucking canon. But hey it's pretty good manga nontheless. 8/10 but i hate how author manage it's romance.
Jun 7, 2020
alright, im bouta binge the shit outta Gantz, but as most of y'all commenting said, i'm not gonna expect a stellar ending
Sep 9, 2020
i just finished gantz, and the ending honestly wasnt as terrible as yall made it seem, because i actually enjoyed the tae-kei ship, it was satisfying for me. honestly, i gave it a 10 because of how enjoyable it was, but all i have to say is, GOD CHERRY
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
As good a series this is, I somehow over the years completely forgot how appalling some of the characters are
Aggregator gang
Aug 15, 2020
Great manga, until we reach the vampires.
It's downhill from there, with a few good chapters but they are few and far between. The ending is disapointing, the author went on a ego-trip in my opinion.

The philosophical topics touched in this manga are very interesting tho. The author had some things he wanted to talk about in this manga, and he did his best to convey his messageS.

Despite its flaws, when it's good, it's really good. And even at its weakest, the art, the main characters, save the manga from beeing a complete wreck.
I'm giving it an 8. I would give it a 7.5, but i cant, so 8 it is.
I think the author should have shortened the story a bit, as to not go astray as he did.
I read the manga quite a while ago but, if i remember correctly, it could have ended decently around chapter 100ish? Maybe he should have stopped there, idk.
Sep 15, 2020
Was good at first and esp at the middle but then quickly went downhill for me. Also ending was mediocre at best.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2020
100 chapters in: batshit crazy

200 chapters: batshit crazy

300 chapters: batshit crazy

anyways 10/10 anyone who says the ending is garbo don't know what they're talking about
Jun 4, 2020
So what the point of adding Vampire to the story? Kurono brother also just get forgetting and die without meaning

Is that a part when I just need to not thinking at all......
Active member
Apr 11, 2018
Just finished rereading and it is a great work it obviously isn't perfect and some elements were brought up and abandoned like the vampires and the loss of memory once the mission ended and you had taken serious damage, Oku probably didn't have a clear idea on the entire plot but he gets the themes across very plainly and the final chapters and ending are perfectly workable.

Which is why my head starts hurting at some of the comments you can find here with endless nitpicking of people that speedread the work or were reading only for the violence and tits, dumb comments for example about the CG (which does look bad and this terrible scan doesn't help) but the use of the CG has a clear purpose thematically if you pay attention and ask yourself why did the author decide to use CG at this exact moment when he could have drawn it since he doesn't lack any talent for it, or about how the first chapters were more violent and gorier (?????? maybe we read a different manga) or nitpicking about the mechanics of the ball or my favorite dumb comment when the translator complains about the orbit of the mothership between the earth and the moon as if the known strongest military alien force in space couldn't handle something like that.

Yes the talk with the superior being is sophomoric and you are supposed to get mad at it fuck the superior being and the final chapters are humanity's answer to it.
It's not a perfect work, was it rushed? possibly but the art doesn't lose any quality in the final chapters, and it is still one of the greatest manga ever made and fully recommended to read to anyone checking the comments, a solid 7-8/10.
Thanks for reading my blog check Gantz: 0
Last edited:
Mar 29, 2023
This manga is trash. What's the point of telling your soldiers literally nothing about what is going to happen? How many squads did they lose because everybody just decided to go home and instead got their head blown of because literlly noone told them there is a killswitch? The entire point of having a killswitch is that the subjekt KNOWS it has a killswitch so you have LEVERAGE. If they don't know what keeps them from commiting accidental suicide? Who wrote this shit???

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