Gender Game - Oneshot

Sep 29, 2019
Now this piqued my curiosity. Why does (some) lesbian relationships has butch & femme?

Lesbians are women x women, so why have the need for 1 to "act like a man" (so to speak) when they're both ladies?
Jun 17, 2019
@Bee-Haw because humans in general don't know what we're doing 99.99% of the time so we look to others for inspiration and we fake it till we make it
Apr 1, 2020
Lesbians are women x women, so why have the need for 1 to "act like a man" (so to speak) when they're both ladies?

Because evolution. That's not a "lesbian" thing, it's a "woman" thing. You could also ask questions about why one of the ladies in lesbian relationships usually "needs to" earn more money (sans types that have income revenue guaranteed ; cross-reference with "alloparenting"), be more intelligent, resourceful, or generally be considered "better" than the other (in utilitarian sense). Or why in nordic countries female labour participation in stem fields still tends to be on the lower and never greater levels than it is in allegedly less egalitarian nations.

Why do you think so many oneshots and series follow the pattern of normie x hypercompetent troubled brooding brunette lol (hair color is also important). They appeal to general human programming that's why.

inb4 "i'm not like that and neither my two friends are" anecdotals. Read a book or books plural.
Double-page supporter
Nov 30, 2019
@nonameanonymous82435 You're not another pachka alt, right? Not sure if I find that easier to believe or that we have even more people weirdly obsessed with hair color.
Apr 1, 2020
Oh do some research. Women, for whatever reason, seem to prefer darker hair in their partners. Blame biology.

Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2020
@Bee-Haw (and @YuuMimo / @nonameanonymous82435 / whoever else may be interested)
i'm sapphic, and i have friends that identify as femme/butch, and really it's not about "acting/dressing" like a man, but rather breaking gender stereotypes. in addition, a lot of womens' identity (i'm not saying it should be or that it is for individuals, just the concept of "women") tends to be defined by their attraction to men. (often times' her "worth" will be defined by how attracted men are to her.)
and butch/femme people dress like they do largely because they aren't constricted to dressing how men would stereotypically find them attractive.
in fact, for a lot of sapphics, including me, femme/butch dressing is really hot, though other people may not see it that way.
it's also worth noting that in the past, where attraction-to-men and heteronormativity was even worse, a lot of women would either dress up as men—and i'm not talking about trans men; they definitely existed too and i'm not saying trans men are actually women, i just mean they literally wore mens' clothes—in order to pass (look like a straight couple to others, aka less likely to be hate crime'd) or because they're so used to heterosexuality and attraction to men as being part of being a woman and attraction to women as being part of being a man that they distance themselves from the concept of femininity, including in the way they dress. (and including some of them how they are referred to. a he/him lesbian isn't a man the same way a gay man who uses she/her isn't a woman; it's just distancing themselves from their gender roles and for some it may just Feel Right.)

((((once again, not talking about she/her gay men as being equatable to trans straight women or anything like that. in fact, a trans woman may use he/him pronouns instead/as well as part of their femme identity—or just in general—and that doesn't make him not a trans woman))))

for example, many femmes/butches don't shave their bodily hair, because they don't have that pressure of needing to adhere to the Male Gaze(tm). same with long hair being seen as feminine, many femmes/butches buzz their hair or wear it short. as an addition, "dressing butch/femme" can also help sapphics identify each other, just logistically. And maybe that's part of why we've grown to see it so attractive, but yeah.

i recommend reading these articles if you're interested in finding out more:
How Butch/Femme Subcultures Allow Gay Women to Thrive
Butch-Femme (a brief history)
The Real Meaning of the Word "Butch"
Butch/Femme Relationships: A Lesbian Way of Loving *it's worth noting that in the past "lesbian" had been used to refer to all sapphics (women/nonbinary-aligned people attracted to women) and that bi/pan/all sapphics can be "butch/femme;" it's not a lesbian-exclusive term; despite what Wikipedia will tell you after a recent push-back in the community to make it lesbian-only, talking about femme/butch, they're talking about "lesbian relationships" aka wlw.
also this one isn't directly relevant, but:
The Role of Butch/Femme Relationships in Transgender Activism: A Codependent Mutualism
happy reading!
Apr 1, 2020
Blocked. Not interested in talking to anyone denying science and deferring to feminist theory bullshit as their substitute belief system instead. You can be an npc in your own social circle, but I think post - (James Lindsay) anyone with at least two functioning brain cells (or not ideologically indoctrinated) can easily assess for themselves how much those texts are really worth.


edit: didn't even read it btw, just did a quick search for few words / expressions like "gaze", "identit*" "heteronormativ*", "nonbinar*" etc and wouldn't you know, almost all were there; so how does it feel to put all that effort into this crap and be ignored? don't answer, it's a rhetorical question ; and credit where credits due: at least you were polite unlike 70% of your fellow identitarians out there - let's see how long it will last though)

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