Gengetsurou Kitan

Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
the cover and synopsis made this look intriguing but it's honestly really boring
Jan 26, 2018
I really wish I could like this manga more.
The art is pretty and parts of the intrigue would be interesting if it was presented in a more clear and concise manner.
It's not obvious when there is a time, scene, or setting change so oftentimes it's hard to discern who went where, and muddles with trying to figure out the motivations. Even if I can read the reasoning in the word bubbles, its still very hard to piece together the significance of the reveal because of how disrupted the narrative flow is...
Jan 22, 2018
I'm pretty fond of the plot, cos you just don't find weird and convoluted romantic melodrama like this in modern-day manga, but I can't say I fancy how the BL aspect is written. I'm a huge fan of slow romance (can't stand the "fall into bed in the middle of the first chapter" sh*t the yaoi nowadays has got going on, tbh), but this isn't even "romance," just Shouichirou pining away after Yosaburou while Yosaburou does whatever he wants. I know he has no obligation to answer Shouichirou's feelings, but in that case the mangaka should have made it clear that it's unrequited from the start. But they do eventually get together (from what I've seen of the raws). I think it'd have been much better if this had been one of those fanservice-y subtext series where they both still prefer women, like, I dunno, Adekan or something, instead of going full-on shounen-ai in such a half-hearted way.

I still give it an 8/10 though. The story is, in a crazy/creepy/messy way.
Jun 26, 2018
It is true, that this manga is slow and the narrative is quite fragmented but i think it is part of its charm. Not to mention, that it is released once a year - some detachment and absence of details on mangaka´s side is understandable.
Plus, thanks o the slightly chaotic way in which the story is presented, you can enjoy second reading more (or appreciate it more).
The stories are charming and very gently presented - even when dealing with difficult subject and inter/intrapersonal turmoils, there is not an ounce of melodrama, which is blessing from Heaven.
The romance here is mostly based on what is omitted but is far from unrealistic, it is just presented in different manner than usual (and leaves you, as a reader lots of space to play around), which is one of the good points (if you are tired of hysterical blushing boys, you will appreciate it) (not that they are always unbearable).
What else... if you enjoy reading subtle stories with a hint of nostalgia (Meiji period setting) and japanese ghost folklore, that are trying to be historicaly accurate (maybe believable is better word); and you dont mind slow reading (and sometimes going back few pages to make sure you know what is going on), you might like Gengetsrou.

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