Genshiken Nidaime - The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture II

Mar 17, 2018
To those wondering why it start's at Chapter 56, this is a continuation of another series. There are some elements that are better understood if you read the prequel but it is not required as the characters from that aren't the sole focus in this manga.

TLDR; Chapter 56 = Chapter 1
Feb 4, 2018
Boy rereading this feels wierd after reading spotted flower. You feel very different about certain characters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
I still wonder if someday we will get to read the omakes they didn't get to translate.

I mean, it was in one of them that the panties joke came in so there might have been plethora of jokes and information we missed.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Y'know, in the end I'd have to say I liked the first better than the second. And that's despite the fact that I actually really liked the crossdressing character, and actually as characters liked most of the new ones fine. But it got too . . . artificial. The first was a manga about otaku being people; they were being ot-aku=culture-y, but just as people who were in that culture. The story itself and the ways people interacted was pretty naturalistic. It was a pretty dashed good slice of life that had a real feel. The second kind of feels like it disappears up its own ass a bit, where half the character behaviour is about, I dunno, like consciously playing out anime cliches in real life. Nobody does that. So like mainly I just couldn't take the whole "Madarame harem" arc seriously, especially when it went on. And on. And on. And on and on and on. It was stupid, didn't feel like real-people behaviour, and it got boring. And it took over the manga, so just not liking that arc was enough to make the manga kind of dislikeable. It wasn't terrible because there were still lots of great bits, but the storyline just felt really forced to me.
(actually come to think of it there is one character I really disliked as a person, and other people never really telling her where to go made me kind of dislike how she worked as a character: That girl who was always smirking as she tried to maneuver people into embarrassing situations for her amusement. What a horrible bitch)
Feb 4, 2018
Honestly, the 1st part was wayyyyy better than this one.

Way too much BL, it's just disgusting. It's fun when it's nicely done like in the 1st genshiken or in Shonozaki-san, but not here when you see this in EVERY CHAPTER, GODAMMIT.

Not much to save in this second part, except madarame talking with his old crush and the girl he end with (aka best girl here).
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
I like how that one girl always complains about the dude crossdressing, when shes literally cross dressing herself... those are male clothes :/

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