Get Schooled

Sep 20, 2019
I mean, I guess it's okay?

The writing is good and so is the art, but I feel like the author has an axe to grind about their personal school experience, and this is how they're working their feelings out.

Really not my thing, though.
Mar 6, 2019
@hemlock223 stfu retard the "kid" you said literally killed people and they beat people
Why teaching like this is not allowed? This is the way to make them understand something bad is not allowed and there will be concequences
Fucking retard know your shit before say something fucktard
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2020
Jun 10, 2020
@hemlock223 If your asian u should talk to your parents about school education in olden times they used violence even some bones got broken(i dont like the idea of bones broken but everything else is fine if its in limit) if they started talking back i guess or fight though only stick on palm was mainly used if homework wasnt done idk if it was their in europe but my teachers (from my country) did say that they were beaten in olden times means like 2 3 decades back

Well cant say anything about some countries (well u know apartheid) in africa children were beaten too it is not talken about much now

Well i can say that this story is a bit over the top
but striking a stick on a palm or butt is not that much big of a deal it hurts but pain goes away lol

And Children should not talk back to adults unless the adults are wrong most cases children are small they have shortcomings so they shout that is understandable we can also scold or make them understand by talking but if they use violence or bad words its a big no no and they should get a taste of their own medicine

I am 16 its purely my opinion so please don't come with ur facts to me 😂i might be wrong in some areas so forgive me for my shortcomings now i regret writing this cause there are people who would like to start fight over this controversial topic but i dont care if u do reply to this i might or might not reply to you
Dex-chan lover
Oct 17, 2020
I like the manga but I wonder what was author thinking when he came up with this or what he saw led up to this
Dec 20, 2019
So the mc's sister died because of bullying so father and son took it to their hands to revenge from all bullies?

That's what I get from the story
Jan 4, 2021
I don't care what anyone says, this manga is AMAZING. All the sissies keep saying that some of the punishments are too extreme, but if you have ever been bullied harshly then you would agree. Atleast thats the story with me. The justice boner truly is strong.
Dec 1, 2020
an alternative name for this manhwa would be "pleasing the everliving shit out of your justice boner"
Jul 4, 2023
anyone notice the huge gap between chapters 10 and 96 for english-translated scans? hoping it's fixed soon.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2023
Why do I feel like it's the protagonist from study group all grown up??? 🥰 🥰 🥰
Yo someone made a reference to another of Ylab's stuff (I haven't read that one yet though) So I couldn't answer that question.
also the bullies are just so cartoonishly evil, like no one acts like that. 0/10
You clearly haven't had too many encounters with the dregs of humanity have you?
In high school I knew a guy who would gladly have stabbed people and gouge out thier eyes simply because he thought it was funny (he only got suspended for stabbing someone). The only reason he left me alone was because I nearly strangled him in elementary. Then later punched his teeth in when he came to make trouble (again elementary).
The guy was rotting in a cell where he was destined to be, last I heard

That's ignoring all the child tracking that much child tracking has it's roots in the public school system. Lets not forget all the violent crimes perpetrated by teens in the UK a couple years back (the most standout one was where a pair of girls hijacked a car, murdered it's owner and showed no remorse for it.

TLDR: There are worse people out there then you think. Imagine the worst, most morally reprehensible person you can... now except that someone worse currently lives in our world.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2023
I am 16 its purely my opinion so please don't come with ur facts to me 😂i might be wrong in some areas so forgive me for my shortcomings now i regret writing this cause there are people who would like to start fight over this controversial topic but i dont care if u do reply to this i might or might not reply to you
"If I were the devil I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but to neglect to discipline emotions, just let those run wild until before you knew it. you'd have drug sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door."
Paul Harvey, If I Were the Devil

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