✓ Gayest chapter so far
✓ Player crushing it on ranked is a cute little girl (who's probably not even in high school lol)
✓ Relatable Shirayuri with her sheer hatred of something that gets in the way of entertainment
Pretty cute. I sometimes forget that this manga is actually the one where all side characters assumed the MCs where fucking just because they got closer.
Sorry, I had to.
Haven't actually played the game myself, but watched tons of gameplay. The game indeed looks FUCKING SICK. Not only from a mechanical but also aesthetics standpoint.
Oh shiz, looks like we got ourselves some future rivals in the shape of a shoujo boi strategist, a jojo character, and a loli. That gaming tournament is gonna be interesting
@KZO wasn't it because they were playing on an only female league? while i don't know about mahjong i do know a little about go and they do play separately.