Giniro no Genders - Vol. 3 Ch. 25

Dex-chan lover
Oct 21, 2018
This was such a strange story and the ending feels so sudden. 😬
Sep 22, 2018
What's with sappy author's note about this manga hopefully helping people? How can you say that when almost every single character in this acted completely crazy at one point? That's not going to reassure anyone!
Nonetheless thanks Hachimitsu scans for seeing this one all the way to the end.
Jan 17, 2018
Axed maybe?

Seems like it went where the author wanted, but skipped all the progression. Makes me wonder if they were told to end it in a couple chapters so they did a time skip ending just to show everyones life eventually turns out ok.
May 31, 2018
I kind of morbidly enjoyed hatereading this, but I gotta say, I do kind of feel like someone lifted a curse on me now that it's over.
Jul 28, 2019
The absolute irony of only one half of the homosexuals in this manga acting crazy, and some commenters taking that as an affront to gays as a whole. You're clowns, get clowned on. The reason this was bad wasn't because of bad representation, it was actually good representation. It was just a bad story.
Mar 14, 2019
Based on the author's note at the end, I think they truly wanted to create something meaningful, but it looks like most people did not like it. It was pretty ambitious, and despite the problematic actions of the characters (all the blackmail, and I really wish they didn't write Seiji to be so darn creepy), I was found myself rooting for their growth. As another commenter said, the author skipped all the progression. It reads very shallow, the ending feels undeserved. In the author's note, they said that they were turned away from interviewing people from LGBTQ backgrounds. I have a feeling that the story would have been a lot better if they were able to find more people to talk about their experiences with. I'm disappointed in this manga, but kinda glad that I've seen so many more LGBTQ manga existing then I did when looked for it like ten years ago.
Feb 2, 2019
Wow, what a hot mess. Well as hot as a 2 year old mess can be. I think all the messed up things that the characters did were supposed to be explained away by the negative impact their upbringing had on them, which may be too generous of a reading. The blackmail can't really be explained by this though lol.
The topic the authour was trying to write about is something that needs to be written with a lot of care, and it frankly wasn't given enough. The story they were trying to write about was the effects discrimination have on minorities and how it harms them; however, when you make those people the aggressors, it can be hard to see it that way. The main character is a cishet male (lol) with a crossdressing hobby, and I guess straight people are suppose to relate to him? If you make the protagonist likeable it doesn't really matter. Anyways, this sets Gin to relate with the struggles of the others as he questions his own gender and sexuality, but the distress caused by his hobby is that he is almost assaulted and a lesbian blackmails him?? Why couldn't it just be some random guy finding out about him by accident? It would have been better for Gin to struggle together with the others, instead of against them; and then coming to accept himself along with them so that the blackmail is meanless to him. (also maybe make Gin trans so you don't have to throw in Sumon being trans at the end giving almost no trans representation, and Gin can befriend Nakamachi at the bar and then they can help each other out)
So that cleans up the main story kinda, but ono where do I start with Seiji. Literally just stop making him a creep. He can still be possessive and jealous, just don't make his gayness a "dark lust" it makes it seem like all gay people are predators. If you still want that idea, use a parent figure that is constantly berating Seiji for being gay, and he can see Gin as the only person that will accept him for who he is and desperately needs him to. Still weird that he wants to be with Gin even he knows about the crossdressing, and I guess that means he never thought Gin could be trans, or just wants Gin to be a man? Let's go with the former.
I feel like the changes I suggested could have made the manga truer to the authour's intent by portraying the characters more sympathetically; however, this was not the story we got. What we got instead was... an attempt at representation with good intentions, but rather terrible characters, and to put it kindly lackluster writing in general. A score out of 10, with 1 being appalling, 10 being a masterpiece, and 5 being average. About a 3, it's really bad, but could have been worse. There was a happy ending and it was fun to laugh at the ridiculousness, but this manga is more likely to do more damage than good. If people outside of the LGBT community read this and were as be wildered by the characters just given a happy ending as I was, they might leave with the idea that gay people are creepy stalkers out to assault people and that lesbians are aggressive manipulators regardless of the afterword and intent of the authour. At least trans people are okay though 🙃

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