So, let me summarise this manga.
First, we have the egocentric girl that pees herself when she gets nervous. Yeah she's egocentric, because she clearly doesn't care how her actions are upsetting her saviour in any way. The only thing that matters to her is her reputation, her image and herself. Damn I hate her.
Second, we have the two incredibly annoying classmates, the obvious narcissistic jerk, so useless that in reality, he would probably get bullied a lot and be alone most of the time (come one, the guy actually sneezes on people on purpose... how long would it take for him to get punched in the face in real life), and the crazy hyperactive tick, a girl obsessed with the "popular girl", that doesn't really care what that person thinks, says or really does. She just wants the target of her obsession to be exactly how she wants her to be (forces her to be president, to run for the class and talks non-stop without even trying to listen)...
Third, we also have the haughty rich girl that thinks herself superior to everyone but is actually pretty shit at everything. She might get a bit more nuance, from her reactions in the last chapter, but for the moment, she's trash.
Fourth, we have the useless sportsy teacher, who is incredibly incompetent, putting all her responsibility on her students. So much so, that I'm beginning to wonder how she was able to keep her job...
And last, we have an introverted guy who helps a girl without asking anything in exchange, he isn't even expecting anything in exchange... but what he wants is to be left alone and keep his low-key status, what he gets is being forced to become the VP, getting stalked by her because he has a secret, getting a ton of attention to save her ass, and even incuring the wrath of the class when he saves her by "accidentally" throwing a bucket of water on her.
Also, he's probably incredibly rich, and had problems with "fake friends" that only wanted the benefit of his money. That would explain why he goes to school so far from home, why he doesn't want to stand out and why he freaked out about his name being something of a secret (his family is probably famous). I'm pretty sure the MC is gonna fuck up his life when she inadvertently reveals his secret to everybody.
So yeah, appart from the poor Sora, I hate everybody. I'll stick around to see what is his secret and if I was right, but probably not for more than this.