Goblin Is Very Strong - Vol. 5 Ch. 36

Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
Little sister confirmed Cicada. Interesting that the angel rep (I'm guessing since it looked like the brother was making the demons) was sealed away or so I'm assuming.
Looking forward to finding out how that happened and why she was reincarnated(?) into a little goblin(?) girl.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018

She most likely is the sister from the story who was part of the siblings who had the "dangerous power"
It appears brother ( and probably sister too ) had some kind of power to change bodies somehow.

The most likely scenario to me is that she used hypnosis and/or illusion magic on herself any anybody who visits ( probably with the help of the sun magic stone )
So that she would not be aware of the time passing to prevent herself from getting bored ( she said she " completely woke up ", implying she wasn't in the first place )
I think the trigger for her waking up was telling somebody her name " Marom"

The other darker reasons I can think off is that she is the sister of the demon lord.
If that is true then she could likely be some form of an angel( who possessed the body of the girl ) because of thematic reasons and what little we learned from the first few pages.
She could have made an underground human farm with clones from dandelions, to get a better body for when she was ready to possess a body and leave the underground.
Once she got her body and was done with the farm, she made all the other clones revert into dandelions,(which is why only the people and the Cicada body transformed..only organic stuff )
This is supported by the fact she "thanks" her parents dandelion flowers at the end, it would make some ( but less ) sense to thank an illusion instead of a dead clone.

But all of this is just a guess.
We probably will get some kind of explanation later on, but this is most likely not the start of anything good...
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Awesome, more world lore revealed, but also more mysteries! I'm guessing this new girl will be extremely powerful, demonlord class or something close to that if she was being contained in such a way. In fantasy series orihalcum is typically an ultra strong material, nearly impossible to break, and if that color change we see in the wall represents the layer it is thick. And having a long lasting self-contained terrarium, with a huge magic circle pseudo-sun? A ton of power went into creating and running that place. Maybe she's some transformation of the sister, or another aspect of the sister or something.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
So the fact that the brother and sister were working on the spirits of light and the Angels would explain why the Demon Lord can corrupt Angels and turn them on those they are meant to protect.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 10, 2019
Demon lord sister has joined the harem. Ngl that's probably gonna be the route that kills her
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2020
Yeah, looks like the entire "Hero"/Angel/Demon system is a synthetic creation by advanced magicians trying to create a higher being via somehow harnessing "spirits of light". That'd presumably give the creators some sort of fairly high level of control, maybe even something like an administrative override. The page here talks about "processing a person with the box". It'd explain too why the Demon Lord Castle prevents normal resurrection and such.

So perhaps the whole point of the fight is to accomplish their goal of "finding a way to process someone with the box while keeping them alive", new Heros[incubators] are constantly going through what is essentially a weeding/selection process, and the very best ones make it all the way where they face final testing (and so far none have passed obviously). And they used the power on themselves as well so they could live long enough/be strong enough to see it all through, but keeping their original minds unlike regular processed people. Demon Lord might have gotten a bit tired and/or a bit attached to some of his subjects after such a long time.

Aki then perhaps will be the success at last, or at least another step, since she seems to actively be getting in sync with her implanted spirit of light.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Did she....just unleash something dangerous? Since Marum was surprised that anything could break through the orihalcum or whatever... Doesn't it possibly mean she herself couldn't break through, meaning she was imprisoned there?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
The flower ain't wilting, and there's still dirt in the root, implying that they were freshly uprooted.
Did she detect the goblin coming and then prepares the village and the "villager" hastily?

Don't really understand why she thanked the dandelions at the end tho.
Symbolic appreciation to the environment that she's been living in until now?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It does seems like both siblings did the same research using different elements. The demons were made using dark spirits as a base and the heroes were made using light spirits as a base. The Demon Lord might be the brother using the dark part off the research to transform himself into a greater being. Maybe the little sister did the same thing using light spirits.

For such a silly comedy manga this one actually does have an interesting backstory. Just giving us small bits here and there does a good job to keep the story interesting and us guessing what is going to happen latter. If the author just did a complet flashback and explained everything it wold lose a lot of it's charm.
Fed-Kun's army
Oct 16, 2019
So not only does the demon lord have the power to corrupt angels, it also seems that demons were angels in the start.

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