it will be very funny if this manga gets axed again , the 2nd time , lol .
the probem with this sword maiden version is her mouth and eyes are too wide , the art-style makes her look more evil than innocent .
the new artist also fixed this mistake :
- chapter 0.1 : 3 noob adventurers have the money to buy brand-new equipments , ale beers , and delicious foods ?
- chapter 2 : now they only buy ale beers , no expensive foods .
it feels like the new artist read my comment in chapter 0.1 , and they fixed the mistakes that i pointed out , lol : .
i wrote :
" page 33 :
- some random , edgy cosplayer says : you got a good sword .
- wut ? the samurai kid didnt even draw the sword out of the sheath , so how do you know the sword is good or bad ?
OMG , the sorceress 's outfit looks so stupid , and her face is also stupid . she has no n!pples ? or the n!pples are at the bottom of her b00bs ? "