page 13 : so this church is selling humans in glass / window caskets ? talk about "window shopping" , lol .
- some rich man : yo , pretty girls , i paid the church to save your lives , so now you belong to me . you are my $ex slaves ... er , i mean ... my wives ... er ... my servants .
page 16 : Spear Girl is just too nice , if i were her , i would just left the 5 corpses to rot in the dungeon , and i would loot their money and equipments , instead of wasting my time and effort to drag them out , and wasting my money to bury them . they were total strangers to her , and were some losers who were killed by mere goblins .
the new artist removes the spikes on Spear Girl 's knees and elbows . but the design of Spear Girl is in-consistent in some panels :
- is she wearing a pencil skirt with only 1 slit on the right side or left side of the skirt ?
- a cheongsam with 2 slits on both side ?
- a skirt with no slit at all ?
so the samurai a$$hole just suddenly starts a fight to the death with real , sharp weapons , in a sacred , holy church , because he is jealous of the weak girl ?