God of Blackfield - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

Active member
May 28, 2018
If a korean or a person from any other country in their home country would speak my language, I would invite him/her a drink at least (my native language is hungarian, google it, then you will understand)
Active member
Apr 25, 2019
Already troubled with one girl. Now there is 4 of them (+ the delinquent one from school)
Apr 24, 2020

Marked it as spoiler to not spam the comments

My mother tongue is German but we started learning English in second grade and honestly we were taught with quite good materials but by god, i was really bad at English. As most of my peers still are.

But then I started to read manga online (because free) and my English improved a lot. I am quite good I'd say but I've reached the point of my German just dying in a drain. I have to take (i think you call them that) german AP Classes and I'm struggling really hard. I unlearned like 50% of grammar and have to constantly substitute other words with English. Nowadays many classmates don't understand me because they don't know the English words.
It's as if both languages switched spots.

I also have to learn French at school but i wouldn't dare saying i speak french. The classes were bad and i didn't care enough to study hard. Can't say more than my name and where I'm from.

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