L Littlepikachu13 Dex-chan lover Joined Dec 14, 2023 Messages 162 Dec 22, 2023 #2 The ends of the chapters explain the rules of majong. I still dont get it, but it's nice that it's there
The ends of the chapters explain the rules of majong. I still dont get it, but it's nice that it's there
sarusa Group Leader Joined Jan 18, 2018 Messages 1,012 Aug 6, 2024 #3 You can really tell these rules were invented by a bunch of bored old men who sat around drinking and coming up with wacky new rules because they were bored. For hundreds of years.
You can really tell these rules were invented by a bunch of bored old men who sat around drinking and coming up with wacky new rules because they were bored. For hundreds of years.