... during the reincarnation process he was automatically given the still undefined "Special bonus" for breaking free of the mental manipulation status, so maybe that's involved here?
From what I understand, the mental manipulation was listed as a "gift" or "ability" on his status plate just like the "Enhanced Senses V" was.
.... after looking at it (chapter 1 page 27), it was listed as a gift called "Will Of God III," and he removed it, giving himself bonus points that he immediately dropped into his Luck Stat, giving him "Luck III"
(Which is what I totally would've done, lolz)
So, as far as I can tell, he got to keep the "Luck III" as a reward for breaking through the "Will Of God III" status, and therefore got to keep the points from having removed it.
Like, he normally wouldn't have gotten "Luck III" upon reincarnation, but because he overcame the "gift-trap," it allocated the points from it that he normally wouldn't get; it gives him more than the 100 freebie-points that everybody else got, after all.
At least, that's what I understood from it.