Thanks for the comments all.
I have a question for you all. I don't know if I want to go back and re-do 40+ pages, but wanted to know what you prefer for the sound effects. I see there being four options, one being to just
completely ignore them, but otherwise:
1. continue how I have with the sound effects next to the original. The reason I'm doing that is because the sound effects are pretty integrated into the art in this series. To completely cover them over with the English effects could get messy. And no I'm not going to digitally remove the original art. Not unless you want to see this come out in 2060!
2. put the effects right on top of the originals.
3. put them as a note at the bottom or side of the panels.
Like I said, I don't know if I'd go back and redo all the panels, that's quite a bit of work. But I'm curious what readers generally prefer.