Counter argument, many comic villains are the same, their sole purpose is to bother the hero, example, three of the biggest superhero nemesis, Joker, Lex Luthor and Reverse Flash.The villains lacking a real purpose to do their villain thing is the only aspect of the story I really don't like. It's like they're children that need to be babysat by the hero. Besides that, the art, characters and the overarching amnesia plot is top-notch quality.
both villains make sense to a certain extent. The first one is simple enough he was obsessed with the shining light that is golden man and the second one was obsessed with going as fast as possible without care for others so likely golden man stopped him so now he sees him as an obstacle for his goal.The villains lacking a real purpose to do their villain thing is the only aspect of the story I really don't like. It's like they're children that need to be babysat by the hero. Besides that, the art, characters and the overarching amnesia plot is top-notch quality.
same, also like the sci fi element mixed in with the classical tight suit. also the hair would be a real problem for this suitHonestly, i'm a big fan of the golden man suit, its simple yet charming in its own way