Goodbye, My Rose Garden - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Chaos! The cocoon breaks

Aggregator gang
May 9, 2020
I havent been this frustrated and angry with a character since Malty from shield hero. Curse you edward. Hope your balls get wrecked you bloody dunce.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
I admit that she is a lesbian and support her in this, but you have to break up with her. Why? Doesn't he care who she will be with if he is ready to accept what is not with him?
Nov 29, 2019
OMG My heart is not going to handle some stuff situation like this, sooo painful T^T. To protect Alice, Hanako maybe able to leave Alice, or else Edward would say that truth about Alice. I hope the series wouldn't be ended with the sad ending TT^TT.
TT^TT Thank you so much for the updating, thanks so much for your hard work, and take care your health too @Sha-tan.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
People are quick to forget the context.We are in 1900/1901, Edward's attitude is more than normal for the time.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Lilliwyt So, he sincerely accepts that Alice is not in love with him, but is trying to "defend her chaste" by trying to break her lesbian relationship? But after all, they are English nobles, homosexual relationships were not something new or rare for them.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
@SuperOniichan Just because something is not new or rare mean people are ok with it. Also, didn't they already make the other maid leave because of her relation with Alice ? It's not farfetch they try to do the same with Hanako
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Lilliwyt But what's the point? She just isn't attracted to men. Or do they think that making her an eternal maiden is better than allowing her to be who she is?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Or do they think that making her an eternal maiden is better than allowing her to be who she is?

I don't think it's at a time where womens were really allowed to do what they want. I mean they didn't have the right to vote at this time.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Lilliwyt Are you saying that he doesn't even think that she can have her own view of the world and thoughts about her place in it?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2020
@Lilliwyt the fact that women didnt have the right to vote dont mean women where slave, we are not in the Middle East. A lot of socity accepted gay people as long they got married to someone of the oposit sex. It was to preserve their family.

This dude is just a egoistic bastard who think "if i cant get her i will make it so she lose everything" it has nothing to do with the time it is set.
If he was realy on love he would have talked with the two of them and say it was okay for them to be together even after he got maried to Alice. It wasn't uncomon at this time to do this.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Almost forgetting the fact that they already made leave one maid because of her realtion with Alice. I think it's clear by now no ? Anyway, "all mens are dipshits" is a common trope in yuris because it make the readers less attached to the male romance interest.

If he was realy on love he would have talked with the two of them and say it was okay for them to be together even after he got maried to Alice. It wasn't uncomon at this time to do this.

But we are not in an utopic world where everyone is nice. I mean, you love a woman and want to get married to her but she said she love a woman. Of course most of persons will not be okay with it and that's not because it's a woman but you love that person. And that's because he love her that he don't want to do that.Why would someone want to marry the person they love but have that person constantly be with someon else because they love this person and not you. Most of peoples wouldn't be okay with a situation like that.
Jun 22, 2020
Dude I get that it is a different time, but Edward's way if thinking is far beyond "homosexuality is wrong" Imo he's taking advantage of Alice's situation to get her to marry him even if she's not able to like him, and come on, is Edward's love really true? If he really loves Alice he wouldn't try or even threaten with exposing her, cuz he knows what will happen. If this has a sad ending(idk if it does) I'll just imagine Hinako and Alice leaving to live in Japan, where things are not better, but at least they won't have Edward or Alice's family, because they also have a role in this

Just for the sake of the hate: fck off edward
Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Edward is in the "if i can't have her then neither you could". He is just deseperate. If he didn't loved her, he would have already told about Hanako and Alice's kiss and make so Alice's family would fire Hanako and make her go back to Japan right away. And come on, Edward himself said that he won't force Alice to marry him and she is free to refuse the engagement. It's not like he threaten Alice into marriage.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
Almost forgetting the fact that they already made leave one maid because of her realtion with Alice. I think it's clear by now no ? Anyway, "all mens are dipshits" is a common trope in yuris because it make the readers less attached to the male romance interest.

@Lilliwyt Oh, you reminded me of how chauvinistic and toxic towards men the yuri can be. And for the most part it is male-focused. But if BL (I still see articles criticizing anti-female sexism on yaoi) and even shoujo yuri have mostly gone over it (well, apart from radfem shit like Sexiled), then no one really cares that male yuri fandom continues to be very toxic towards male characters.

But we are not in an utopic world where everyone is nice. I mean, you love a woman and want to get married to her but she said she love a woman. Of course most of persons will not be okay with it and that's not because it's a woman but you love that person. And that's because he love her that he don't want to do that.Why would someone want to marry the person they love but have that person constantly be with someon else because they love this person and not you. Most of peoples wouldn't be okay with a situation like that.

If my crush said she loved another girl, then I would obviously be very salty and upset anyway. But if they are together and she is not bi, then this is simply not my business. I know that, in turn, lesbian fiction and yuri in general are full of fantasies about how a lesbian seduces a bisexual woman and takes her away from a boyfriend, but my views simply do not allow me to interfere with other people's personal lives. It’s immoral in my eyes.

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