yeah it wasn't fully serious but anyway i'm not obligated to explain anything esp with that pfp i just know what kinda person you are lmfaoo, and don't tell me to not white knight fictional characters when punpun and yuuichi riders exist literally in THESE comment sections. looks like there's no wrong with white knight-ing a fic. character until it's a woman is what i see
lmao. you know jack shit about me, settle down. Pro tip btw: when you wanna attack someone don't build it on shitty FALSE assumptions.
"looks like there's no wrong with white knight-ing a fic. character until it's a woman is what i see" Jesus christ lmao. You're so pretentious. Don't put words in my mouth. I literally never said any of that. you're not on twitter.
everyone talks about their favourite characters in comments sections. that's normal. white knighting is when you defend someone or something when clearly it wasn't needed or wanted, making yourself look goofy. with the prime example of you defending a character when the person "criticising", was making a fucking joke, one very clearly meant to be ridiculous. there's no such thing as an "unintentional slut", i think you're smart enough to know that. especially saying "LEAVE AIKO OUT OF THIS" like she's a close friend is cringey.
the thing is i am mostly on your side with aiko. I never hated her, just thought she was obsessive and codependent. She's just a tragic character, and one of the least manipulative ones in the manga. i just didnt lose my shit over a joke.
also it's hilarious how you ignored my main point of you being triggered over a clear joke and went on some tangent. "anyway i'm not obligated to explain anything to you" is code for "you're right but i dont want to admit im wrong" 90% of the time. if you're not obligated to explain anything to me, simply don't reply.
Just hold yourself accountable and say "my bad i overreacted to the joke" and move on. It's that simple. But, this is just embarrassing.
(and also please stop unironically using this as a method. It just makes you look horrible.)