AHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHH we are locked into our seats on this train on FUCKING FIREEEE and theres no getting off mr.bones wild ride!!!! feelsbadman this is a disaster right from the fucking start LMAO
Black hair middle school girl > Basketball girl > Blond girl > Black hair middle school girl
this shits a fucking mess and its gona be Hilarious/frustrating as FUCK to read
Guess my memory is off lol
I remember the drama was more about the exes then it being a threesome, since that was near the middle that it became a trio
Oh well I just hope this manga doesn’t have long drama
Well she did ask if she is obligated to love only one person. Question is, did Akira and Rin are already going out ? Rin said she didn't have experienced kiss and she said to the other girl that she had already someone she admire, who i believe is Akira. I don't think the poly will go smoothly and i don't really hope so because Poly isn't just some magic things you can go on like this. I understand Rin's thought but not everyone think like that and we don't know Akira's thought on that. But that's still bug me, did Akira and Rin go out together ? Because why would Akira call Rin in the middle of the night to know she is fine and also how Rin did know about the tutoring ? So many questions and so fews answers. Merci @Lyendith pour la trad, t'es un chef.
Luminous Blue Poly ending was a bit off as even it could have a base ashow the manga was played, it failed to make it good and so the poly ending was lackluster.
Instead of, with out any warning, starting as love-triangle drama then end with a surprise poly, this author tell us in the first page that this manga will have a polyamory ending.