Gourmet Gaming - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Bulimia

Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
oh wow. he looks like he could be a sumo wrestler

some of the speech bubbles seem to be missing a word or so btw so it gets awkward
Aggregator gang
Dec 24, 2018
That's not really Bulimia. Bulimics puke what they ate cause they see themselves as fatter than they really are. What this guy have is more like a eating disorder caused by anxiety and stress(I know cause I have a weaker version of this).
May 29, 2020
OH, i think he looks really cute.. am i the only one??? nah surely not he is so cute with his big cheeks UUWUWUWURWHOUSHF
May 4, 2020
Hmmm...there's some sort of misinformation here. Bulimic people don't necessarily get fat. It's also stated in the first sentence: those suffering from bulimia PURGE what they eat.
The issue here is that they purge precisely because they think they are too fat. It's more of a psychological disorder than an eating disorder.
So no, most bulimic patients are actually on the thinner side. It's related to anorexia, but it is not the opposite of anorexia.
I would know, because I used to be mildly anorexic then I turned a bit bulimic for a while before I got cured.
Jan 18, 2018
Jesus, that doctor is a fucking asshole and needs to find another god-damn career. Who the fuck let him work with patients? *angry gnashing of teeth* It's only the worse because I know those people are totally out there all over the place IRL in these professions.

I'm glad at least the personal trainer is a sweetheart.


Yeah—and you know, I'm wondering whether the problem is the author or the translation.

I'm not that well informed about bulimia but, the blurb seemed to accurately-enough describe bulimia and then the chapter... went on to seemingly depict something entirely different (well, unless fierce exercise is his only form of purging? Is that a thing? I could see that. Though four hours a day honestly doesn't sound that extreme. But, like, it's not even clear the protagonist has severe body-image issues, though he totally could, but everything's phrased in terms of just his insatiable desire to eat instead, which doesn't seem to be presented as binging but just as what he does always. And would someone with bulimia normally be able to stick to a diet regimen of one food-type like that...? Everything just seems subtly wrong).

But. The other group that translated this chapter said nothing about purging in the opening blurb, just talked about inability to feel satiation and... lack of pickiness? Was he bit about purging maybe just added by an overzealous QC or editor on the team in this translation...?

...Anyway I'm genuinely wondering if this whole thing isn't a translation snafu involving some other eating disorder entirely.

Like a straight-up overeating disorder, not bulimia. I could easily imagine that something like "binge-eating-disorder" might cover both in korean in a way that gets messed up in simple dictionary-translation. I can't read korean, though, so... XD

Well, maybe I should, y'know, read further chapters before speculating this far. But here I am XD
Jan 24, 2020
I dunno man, it sounds like they're very familiar with each other and just joking around, like a roitine to get rid of tension od the disease...
Jan 18, 2018

No, it really didn't look like that to me. I mean, I can say, "I can see that interpretation too", but... You usually don't list off the things you're doing well, like, "hey, I'm exercising a lot and doing great in school, okay?" defensively, in a conversation where you're actually comfortable with the insults that are being thrown at you.

It did look to me like the doctor might potentially have thought it was all harmless joking around in completely typical oblivious asshole fashion. And that the protagonist is forced to joke along a bit for social reasons, in the manner of one who knows the only other option is a bunch of confrontation and/or awkwardness to no useful end.
Jun 11, 2018
goes to show how absolutely trash the mental health system is in Korea that this utter BS on a quite common and very severe eating disorder can get spewed in public and even have comics written based on such BS
Sep 7, 2019
yikes, what the fuck is this?? a doctor recommending an ED patient eat less?? this is so wrong on so many levels - you’d get so many nutritional deficiencies from only eating one type of food (even if it was “””healthy””” like tomatoes), not to mention this doesn’t seem to address purging at all??

gross. gross.
Jun 8, 2018
As someone with a psychology degree who has worked with teens trying to manage their weight...

There is so much garbage in this chapter regarding eating and anxiety disorders, treatment of eating and anxiety disorders, and healthy weight management (for god's sake, please DON'T stop eating a healthy balanced diet if you want to successfully lose weight and maintain that weight long-term - and also if you don't want your body to be malnourished).

And honestly the disgusting statements made by that quack doctor shouldn't be published. You should never judge someone's character or circumstances based on their weight, people of all sizes from skinny to overweight have a mixture of healthy and unhealthy habits and it is generally down to the luck of biology - plus perhaps psychological and physiological conditions and life curcumstances for some - that determine one's weight. Nobody needs to see these messages that reinforce false relationships between appearance and behaviour/personal qualities. Hell, even medication for unrelated conditions can cause a large increase or decrease in weight that has nothing to do with behaviour or character.

Anyway, thank-you for letting me get that off my chest. I'm going to give the next few chapters a go and imagine this is an alternative universe where there exists a condition like this that can be treated this way and see how it goes...

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