Dude, you're not making any sense at all. Let me Break your reply to you one by one. Here goes:
1. I read the story, and you know what? It's even worst. I totally agree that what the other group did is rude and d*ckish. But what was your reply? Be ruder and more d*ckish.
-->> We believe for what is right and people who did this kind of things should also taste of their own medicine.
2. You didn't try to talk (at the very least, you didn't mention it in the comment).
--->> Why would we? They just sniped our series.. No talk, No messages.. Should we do the same? They Just upload Chapters one after another. We just did what they do. Is it not fair?
3. What was sniped from you wasn't really popular (it's yourself who said it) and you choose to snipe in return a popular series, and even want to snipe another popular series.
--->> Yeah it wasn't popular that's why I am still pondering to comprehend that, while they have so much better series to maintain, They sniped an unpopular series.I'm asking him. he just ignores it, lol. We are on the works on Destined for Greatness.. yes.. But that is only "reserve" if they do something like this one again... We won't release it but we are actively doing it with my team and friends.
4. The snipe you got was the first one from the other group, and the quality was slightly better than yours. It had no reason for you to react so exaggerated.
---->> Well you're wrong about that, we all have the More reason to exaggerate, people who disrespect like the one they did, and people who did wrong IS NOT OK. We don't tolerate wrongdoings. If they hadn't sniped our series. We don't have this kind of conversation right now. Do you agree?
5. Also, what did you expect would happen in return? That the snipe will stop? You only started a d*ck contest. Not the one to see who has the biggest, but who IS the biggest.
---->> We are on constant guard and even check all of our series routinely, We're not dumb, They just do what they do and snipe away. They are experts on it. We just only take their challenge. and why'd you addressed just us? Are we the ones who started it? Please answer this question, I beg you.
6. So yeah, the other group was in the wrong at the start but you choose the worst reply possible. So my statement that there is so much drama on MD is because of groups like yours stay, albeit for different reasons.
--->>Whoa! Finally, you said the other Group is WRONG... but I am wondering it seems to me you are siding with the wrong one? If your Brother got bullied IRL, you just shrug your shoulders and take a walk away, Well we are not that. Because we hate people who did Wrong and is just ok to them, And tell you what, you can just not read the comment section and read the manhwa, your problem will be solved.