I read ch.1 on batoto, It's nice too see it again in mangadex.
(+) Nice art, Nice storyline, Nice Thicc
(-) Takes too long per chapter(because the artist doing one man army, it nice if the artist hiring few assistants and doing crowfunding)
@CoolOtamegane I just visited his patreon page and in one of the comments the author said that he is going to hire an assistant now. Let's hope that is true
User created?
the art is pretty nice
thighs on page 7 of chapter 1 are.. noice
fanservice? booty? noice
boobs? eh boobs are just lumps of fat tbh -5 points
fk lolis and fk this 1 star
Claimed to work additional 10 minites for patreons, logically turned out as dead project. 6 chapters in 3 years, I wonder how manh minutes per day that guy worked LOL