Guild no Uketsukejou Desu ga, Zangyou wa Iya Nanode Boss wo Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoimasu - Ch. 28.1 - Murderer

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
Ugh, no kidding. I literally had a nightmare last night about trying to be a healer in an MMO I played and I didn't know what the heck I was doing and kept aggroing the boss. (still don't know what I'm doing... just gave up on the character )
Some games and bosses aggro on healing others. I remember one game where I was pulling exactly as much aggro as the healer if I was healing full time and attacking half the time. Which meant I could manage aggro myself, and take over as an off-tank for the main tank when needed. That also sent the rest of the party into panic, because they underestimated how much I could tank, and thought I'd die the moment I got attacked. Until they learned.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Ugh, no kidding. I literally had a nightmare last night about trying to be a healer in an MMO I played and I didn't know what the heck I was doing and kept aggroing the boss. (still don't know what I'm doing... just gave up on the character )
Tanking sucks too.

I tell the party as I havn't played in a while I'm going to take it slow, so the healer decides to pull everything in the next room over while I have a room of mobs attention.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
TIL (from the tl notes in this chapter) that english words like sham and grotto exist in japanese too, and apparently mean the exact same thing as they do in english, while they also are so iconically japanese words that they get the keikaku-treatment (same as all the suffixes, "onii", and other such words - just that sham and grotto are not as well-used so tl decided they needed to make a note on what those japanese words mean).
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Someone hasn't played MMOs.
Maybe she was expecting it to be like FFXIV, where healer gameplay is the very exciting "1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1," attack "rotation" that only occasionally gets disrupted by the highly scripted raid wide attacks that can be recovered from with one or two aoe heals.
The only "difficulty" healers face in that game, outside of an incredibly small handful of fights, is not falling asleep.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
the very exciting "1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1," attack "rotation"
So no mana management, no buff management, no prioritisation... Sounds like a game that doesn't actually need a healer, just has the classes because you have to have that class.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
So no mana management, no buff management, no prioritisation... Sounds like a game that doesn't actually need a healer, just has the classes because you have to have that class.
Mana management ultimately comes down to pushing one button once a minute, and you'd only really need to do that if everyone is committing suicide regularly.
Buffs/Debuffs, there are a couple but they can safely be ignored in all but that small handful of actually engaging content.

And you are correct. Healers are unneeded, even in the hardest content, and only really exist as a safety net because what little healing the game actually demands can be handled by the tanks and dps themselves.
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Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Someone hasn't played MMOs.

Ugh, no kidding. I literally had a nightmare last night about trying to be a healer in an MMO I played and I didn't know what the heck I was doing and kept aggroing the boss. (still don't know what I'm doing... just gave up on the character )

Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
Thanks for the pick up, but what was this chapter? The healer admits her laziness gets people killed but MC declares that doesn't matter, rumors hurt people? Lady, people are dead because of her, the hell are you talking about?
She said it doesn't matter right now because the rumor brings her (lower level employee) unhappiness due to too much work coming her way. She cares more about her work more than the rumor. I think if the rumor doesn't affect her work, she'll probably never care what is happening around her.
Active member
May 5, 2020
Someone hasn't played MMOs.

Because them were fighting words.

Why would you want to hear anything from a guy like that?

So it is about pleasures money can buy?
I think it's more about the pleasure of being alone and doing things by yourself. She probably meant that she doesn't care about drowning in wealth, she's cool with having only a bit to spend on what she needs.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2023
I think it's more about the pleasure of being alone and doing things by yourself. She probably meant that she doesn't care about drowning in wealth, she's cool with having only a bit to spend on what she needs.
I know what she means, but her words are somewhat poorly chosen, so I make fun of that.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Hey where are you going, don't go beyond that door when work is still not done yet
Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
That pose in the last page looks like she's seducing him.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Maybe she was expecting it to be like FFXIV, where healer gameplay is the very exciting "1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1," attack "rotation" that only occasionally gets disrupted by the highly scripted raid wide attacks that can be recovered from with one or two aoe heals.
The only "difficulty" healers face in that game, outside of an incredibly small handful of fights, is not falling asleep.
That's bizarre... Makes me wonder why they would design the game like that.

For contrast, after being away from wow for about three expansions I came back and was leveling some priests, and it was (holy spec)...

Hotkey bar:
  • 1,2,4,5: smite, holy strike, holy aoe, shadow pain (dot).
  • 9: mass dispel
  • z: angelic feather as support for myself and other players trying to catch up with tanks
  • r: emergency heal buff
  • MB 4: holy Star heal + dps (useful sometimes)
  • MB 5: levitate (useful sometimes)
  • fortitude (cast/refresh on dugeon start)
  • F12: rez (need that sometimes)
  • F4: Fade... Then replace Fade with Fade + Desperate Prayer macro
Healbot Continued addon: spell setup:
  • No mods: Shield, Renew, holy football (Left, middle, right mouse buttons)
  • Shift: Heal, Flash Heal, HW: Sanctity
  • Ctrl: Prayer of Healing, ---, Raid heal spell
  • Ctrl+Shift: Purify, ---, Guardian
  • Ctrl+Alt: --, Leap of Faith, ---
And this is me half-guessing it as I'm leveling several priests.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
That's bizarre... Makes me wonder why they would design the game like that.
Partially because they have no class designer for healers specifically, unlike the other two roles. They had one, that also happened to play the role when testing, but they removed them from those positions for getting "too good" at healing during testing. Feel free to take a moment to let that sink in if you need to.
The other reason is that they just keep simplifying it over and over and over again because healing, just as a concept, is apparently too "stressful" and "scary" so people won't play it. Their response to the same exact concerns over tanking was to just buff the crap out of tanks, so now they're unkillable gods 90% of the time 99% of the time if Warrior, while also giving out a ton of mounts as rewards for tanking so many dungeons and raids.

The healer's job in that game is to fill a mandatory slot in groups thrown together by the party finder system, or to revive people in premade groups until they've learned the fight and then swap out for an extra tank of any type to cheese mechanics or a Red Mage or Summoner DPS to keep the revival option on hand while contributing more dps.
It's not fun in the least. There's a nearly 1000 page long thread on their official forums about how this garbage has gone on for 3 expansions now and needs to change. The devs are not listening at all.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2023
Partially because they have no class designer for healers specifically, unlike the other two roles. They had one, that also happened to play the role when testing, but they removed them from those positions for getting "too good" at healing during testing. Feel free to take a moment to let that sink in if you need to. ...
I find this interesting because I wonder how it impacts all of these "kicked from the party" stories, where 95% of the time it's healer or support who gets kicked. And I wonder if this is problem specifically with Japan (and e.g. not S Korea). And I wonder which comes first: cultural reluctance to heal, or MMOs that make healing weak.

... But that would probably be a 1000 page topic on reddit and a slew of research papers.

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