@77BLc9JwJGpLVARkamJx The great race of Yith is quite chill, they mind swap you and try to get your knowledge, but in the meantime you get to hang out and interact with other great minds from other times, since they only mind swap intellectuals the experience can even be rewarding.
However the idea of one day getting your body swapped by an organism from the distant past is horrifying, even if they eventually give you your body back, that i guess is kind of scary to think, the smarter you get the higher your chances one day you wake up and you find yourself in the body of an alien in some library.
But then! then! comes the real kicker, The great race of Yith was fighting something, something hellbent on annihilation, and they won! but not entirely... they could only held the evil back, imprison it, seal it, keep it from spreading.
But the great race of Yith somehow didn't lasted, they are no longer around, no one that got to be body swapped and explore the great libraries got to know exactly what happened, it was taboo, that piece of history disappeared, but another remained.
The prisons remain, still, buried, and intact, and their prisoners await for their time to get out and spread doom.
And now we have a digging expedition, because why not? body swapped minds with ancient organism? that's crazy talk, hey look a tomb!