Hagure Idol Jigokuhen - Vol. 4 Ch. 28.5 - Chichigami Lovers☆ 3: Enter Akira

Nov 7, 2019
@SuperOniichan tf are you on?

No such thing as typical form of middle school, they're straight up lolis in design, they're just simply drawn like that, a design choice by the author, like Lucky Star characters, looks like loli but they're ages are 17-18

Wdym whether? Did you even read my comment? I've 100% confirmed them to be highschool, it's a fact they're in highschool

And who's implying Akira to be like that? Why are you tryna discuss and defending her moral? My previous comment has no relevancy to this topic, like seriously tf are you on?

like what's your argument here buddy? Your comment makes no sense, what are you tryna prove?

Especially the comparison with Beruko and Misora, like why bring them up? Beruko has an entire chapter explained why she's an eternal loli, Misora is a giant, like why, why you brought them up? You're seriously annoying, like 99% of your comment has no relevancy to my previous comment, why mention for this irrelevant bs, what are you on?
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Yggdraseed Wow, man, calm down, I just did not agree with you, and did not offend your whole family. You can agree with me or can not, but when you salty pretend that you didn’t understand my comment instead of at least trying to clarify what I had in mind, or directly attacking me, as if disagreeing with you is tantamount to a great crime., then annoying here only you.

First, it’s obvious that I mentioned Akira’s height to show that they look too small compared to a woman of ordinary height. And it’s obvious that I brought Beruko (and even being loli-looked, Beruko is still bigger than them) and Misora ​​as women of unusual height for comparison with her. I don’t understand how it was possible not to understand. Of course, only if you intentionally didn't look for a reason to attack me. It is also obvious that my commentary on her morality concerned the statement about "she into lolis" with which this discussion generally began.

Secondly, this manga shows both young children and high school students. For example, that 15-year-old boxer girl or two new KGB members that will appear later. These children are definitely different from the them and in the arc of the tournament we will see a Chinese little girl who will look exactly like these guys. And if you want to argue that in Japan there is no standard form for middle school, then you are mistaken. They wear a typical old-fashioned uniform that can be seen more often in middle school than in high school https://mirareportinglivesp15.wordpress.com/2015/06/03/a-look-into-the-life-of-middle-schoolers/.
Nov 7, 2019

Disagree with what? My comment is ONLY about their school level which I've confirmed

You the one who brought up the characters morality for no reason, again my comment was only about their school level yet you assume 3 different things like morality and design comparisons

Ugh again, stop comparing these gag characters to the main story characters, the boxer girl yes is 15 but that's the main story, these highschool gag characters mostly just appears in .5s chapters (extra chapters) like is this seriously your first manga? It's annoying how i need to explain these obvious things to you

And again, it's a design choice, they're basically gag characters, the author can draw them the way he wants. No reason to compare them to the design of the main characters, see how your stupid assumptions confuses the goalposts

Again who's concerned about Akira? Those two ppl who I've pinged in my first comment assumed they're lolis, so I've simply corrected them, it's just you who's defending Akira to something not even the four of us is concerned except you for some reason

Ugh what is that link, the goalposts is just whether those gag characters are lolis or not, I've confirmed them to be high school yet you're bringing up 3-4 different topics for no reason
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Yggdraseed Oh, I'll just end this conversation. Since you are so aggressive and defiantly blind to any disagreement with you, that becomes simply useless. I thought that thanks to the Dent Law, I would no longer see people referring to themselves as evidence in a dispute or declaring their own victory. Or even worse, just repeating your argument in a circle. It turns out I was wrong.
Nov 7, 2019
@SuperOniichan disagree with what? They're confirmed in highschool, man you're delusional

Yes I was agressive in my first reply but just only because your comment makes no sense, you're like a lost kid

Disagreement lmao, u need to read the chapters they were in again, u gonna embarass yourself as you are already getting destroyed by facts

There's nothing to disagree with, if you gonna continue to believe they're lolis just because of design choice then that's you, I'm not gonna take away your weak opinion, I couldn't careless about your weak opinion, I only care about facts, so go ahead keep disagreeing with facts, keep lying to yourself

So here's a short recap in ordet

1. A dude commented LOLI another one says UNDERAGE
2. I pinged both dude, and enlighten them thay they're confirmed to be in highschool (I literally said in my first comment, page 1 of this chapter, Akira herself confirmed she teaches in THAT HIGHSCHOOL)


3. You pinged me, assumed a lot of irrelevant things were talking about Akira's morality, and compare serious designs to non serious designs

TLDR: goalposts = loli or not, but to a dumb moron with poor comprehension, goalposts = bring up 3-4 irrelevant different topics

If you still can't see how dumb u r then I'm done, you're annoying as hell, you're childish as hell, you're cringey as hell, you're comprehension is that of a 5 year old
Nov 7, 2019
@SuperOniichan a 30 y/o with the mentality of 5 y/o lmao and the fact u bothered revealing ur real age, shows ur insecurity, u need to grow up mentally

Also our argument regarding the goalpost shows who's the childish moron, so it's all good, it doesn't matter if i stoop your level if it's gonna expose you
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Yggdraseed Thanks dude. After such comments, sending a complaint to the moderators is just a matter of time. On this, I just stop any discussion with you, I'm not going to feed such bad trolls. By-by.
Nov 7, 2019

Imagine reporting just coz you got proven wrong and it hurt your feelings lmao massive L

Haha I'm a troll just coz you got proven wrong, genius af logic, can u get anymore childish

By-by? U mean bye bye? Either way, ugh cringe
Nov 7, 2019
@SuperOniichan I still gotta refute your logical fallacy without the ad hominem this time, I'm not taking your baits this time

disagree with what? They're confirmed in highschool

There's nothing to disagree with, if you gonna continue to believe they're lolis just because of design choice for gag characters then that's you, I'm not gonna take away your weak opinion, I couldn't careless about your weak opinion, I only care about facts, so go ahead keep disagreeing with facts, keep lying to yourself

So here's a short recap in order

1. A dude commented LOLI another one says UNDERAGE
2. I pinged both dude, and enlighten them that they're confirmed to be in highschool (I literally said in my first comment, page 1 of this chapter, Akira herself confirmed she teaches in THAT HIGHSCHOOL)

so what's to disagree there?

3. You pinged me, then assumed a lot of irrelevant things like as if were talking about Akira's morality (which we never did) and compare main story character designs to gag character designs for pointless reasons

TLDR: you moved the goalpost with your logical fallacy, u brought up 3-4 irrelevant different topics while refusing to acknowledge the fact that they're 100% confirmed in highschool despite the clear exclusive gag design choice for them
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@BraveDude8 I stopped, but as you see, he is still trying to provoke me into a dialogue. A person simply cannot calmly accept that someone disagrees with him.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
I won't ping for the sake of drawing unneeded attention, but you both were definitely talking about the same thing at the start, and agreeing with it for the most part.

I'm surprised at how much need for superiority there is starting with the moderated, and continued by the other.

Should've been private messages long ago, including getting a moderator's attention. Along with a block.

On the chapter itself: it's still weird seeing highschool students designed to look younger than most portrayals of them in the artistic medium of manga. To the point they look like middleschool students. And getting thrown to the ground at that.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
@Freezee Well, Misora ​​was 18 years old when Akira raped her and stole her first time, but she was already noticeably bigger than her. And judging by further dialogs or scenes, she obviously treated her like an equivalent adult girl. Utako also looks overly mature in her 18, but the rest of the girls and characters treat her like an absurdly innocent maiden. If you pay attention, it was before time skip and these guys then looked exactly the same as after 4-5 years now.

I don’t know the reasons for this, but I think it’s either intentional grotesque, or Rui just doesn’t care about it as about many other things in the manga. In any case, given the lack of a difference in time skip and my comparison with Misora ​​and Utako at a closer age, this just doesn't make much sense.
Double-page supporter
Jul 2, 2020
I always love a good tournament arc in a manga. Can't wait!

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