I'm annoyed at this type of MC.
Starts decent, but grows increasingly more whiny and less confident every time he appears.
I have no problem with characters growing their skill and confidence slowly, but this one is on the reverse course.
It gets old way too fast.
It's not even like he was strong then got traumatized. His background is that he was traumatized then grew his strength and confidence... then dropped them at the start of the story.
Last time, it took someone dying for him to suddenly remember that he's strong. Kinda. Using the penguin. Because now he's worthless as a pure exorcist.
They've done it once, it was bad and it should be enough. If we're going to go through the same thing again, I'm dropping this.
In comparison, another normal human, presumably talented... as he was supposed to be... but still a complete beginner... now is just curb-stomping everybody with a few weeks (or was it just days?) of training. For stupid reasons, but that might have to do with organizational brainwashing so I'll overlook this.