Really like the new facette of Yagi-san!
Too bad it's gonna be wasted against a luck trope character along with the reputation of two other token top level players.
Hopefully Dragon is gonna show that he actually has skill so great it's mistaken for luck.
the fact that he got chiitotsu/seven pairs but not a limit hand like big four winds or kokushi musou is pretty pog. still, earth hand in itself is a limit hand, but there's unlikely hands and theirs stupidly unlikely hands. not sure if this is foreshadowing that his luck has a limit or that his luck has a limit on power (i.e. although he can get a first round ko, it's not like he can get a knockout punch on the first punch)
I've been playing Mahjong for a year and haven't seen anyone pulled Heaven's/Earth hand. If there's someone who can do that consistently you better beat him up because he's definitely cheating, or get away from him as far as possible if it's legit.