She was worried about losing him more than she was happy about being liked.
- Kasugai didn't ask her to marry him - just BF-GF relationship
- couples who are in a BF-GF relationship can break up
- those who break up might not remain friends afterwards and can become estranged
- going out with Kasugai opens up the possibility that she would never see him again
> Assuming they just remain friends, they would likely drift apart over time anyways
Shizuku doesn't know that. Remember, she's a sheltered girl who has never seen the world, much less the usual future of a group of high school friends. All she knows is that couples don't last forever, and when they do break up, they would drift apart, never to be friends again. It has never come to her mind that friendships don't last forever either - heck, her sister is still friends with Kasugai's aunt.