Thing about Hamlet that lots of people don't notice is, he was a university student until shortly before the events of the play. I wrote an essay in a Shakespeare course about how he clearly wasn't crazy, and he wasn't even in any real doubt about whether he should do in his uncle . . . it was just a tough, unpleasant task, like a term paper, and as a seasoned student, he was procrastinating. So instead of "I'll read one more book before I get to it" or, "Maybe I should do (some irrelevant chore) first", it was "OK, I'll spend some time acting crazy to throw him off the scent" and "Just to be sure he's guilty, I'll, uh, show him a play where someone does what he did and see if he looks guilty"--anything to avoid actually getting down to business. Only when faced with a hard deadline--"Oh, crap, I'm dying of poison"--did he hand in the assignment and off the bastard, just at the squeak of the moment it was due.
I got an A on that one.
Now that I think about it, I could have amplified that Shakespeare himself would have been constantly pressured by deadlines to get his plays written . . .