NICE! at least i think Ito and that girl are together no? since you showed the arrow pointing mutualy no? NICE! at least we have 2 couples! but them the line for thous 3 is nuts!
Those Young lesbians were all so cute. Nanami and Kyouko, Nachi and Hatsune are my fave couple(in case they all end up together, that is) Thank you for your hard work on these chapters.
Just make the unrequited love staring from Nachi requited, and everyone is happy. I mean, there is sign that Nachi and Natsume are already on good term.
Mostly lines up with my chart, although I guess I was too optimistic to draw the arrow going both ways for Karen and Ito. For Kyouko and Nanami, I'll choose to believe their relationship became official in the 7th story, which was released a year after the official chart.