Happily Ever Afterwards - Ch. 5

Aggregator gang
Jan 3, 2021
The sheer will and determination of this girl. I can tell that this is going to be a slow burn where she needs to keep trying hard for a while before her fiance finally begins to actually warm up to her.

However, it is a bit harsh for him to reduce the firewood in a cold place and even not let her have a servant. Like, what if she gets sick? Does he really not care if her health deteriorates? Or maybe her getting sick will let him get her family to take her back with them and break the engagement? Either way, the plan is too harsh and can easily have her die before the engagement breaks.
Sep 16, 2018
Still feels frustratingly like Peony isn't really seeing or accepting the Archduke as he is NOW, she only cares about the person he used to be or the person she thought he was in the book. People are allowed to change, you know? Also if the man says he doesn't want sweets, just accept it and instead make him like a savory meat dish with a sweet fruit sauce or something. Don't force-feed him desserts because you don't want to listen to him.
Aug 22, 2020
gotta get to know him first lol imagine a random girl proposing to you and not leaving your house ouch can’t exactly kick her out cause she’s a princess so you gotta do subtle sneaky stuff to discourage her
Jul 28, 2019
I'm not really a fan of "bully the girl for her own sake" type of Male Leads 😐
but I'll keep reading bc it's not that bad so far...
Active member
May 27, 2020
Yeah, I'm on the Archduke's side here. Peony is just coming across as annoying; you acknowledge that he probably changed as a result of the book's plot... then proceed to not take that into account and try and force him into the image you have of him regardless. Yeah, you want to help him, but ain't it. I'm curious about how this will turn out, though.
Active member
Jan 13, 2020
I don't care how the story's characters and personalities are at this point. I just want to know the whole story and how its gonna turn out
Oct 23, 2020

I'm still 50 /50 on the ML
He seems like he's a secretly sweer guy behind his assh*le exterior.
He seems like he suffers the pain of moving on. Still hope he and the FL get together
I like the assistant chef btw he's my type

Also I do agree the FL is being to aggressive and pushing her ideals onto him. But, w/o that kind of personality from we wouldn't get this story at all. It's all because of her shenanigans that we get content lol
Aggregator gang
Sep 23, 2018
I feel on edge waiting for the turning point without knowing how long it's going to take lol. Like, is this going to be one of those stories where there's still no progress after 20 chapters!? I don't know if I'd be able to take that lol. As it is right now, this is super painful to read.... But I want to see that lovely turning point T_T I guess I'll have to learn how to be patient haha
Thanks for the chapter~!
Oct 11, 2020
tbh she’s too imposing and selfish but of course with no ill intention. nevertheless, the best way for her to learn to hold back and not push her ideals on him, sadly, is that she gets utterly rejected and brokenhearted enough for her to see she’s being too much and with that she stops.

i get the archduke got hurt, met such heartbreak etc, but boy is he still too much can’t fix pain by inflicting pain on others

anyway, like the rest of ya guys, im curious how this will play out
Jul 12, 2019
The Fl is kinda annoying... I can see that she has no ill-intention but gosh, she's hella delusional
Oct 22, 2020
Most people here are kind of shitting on the ML but no the FL. Like huh? The Fl has her own faults too. She's a bit too caring and naive. She treats the ML as if he were still a character from a book than a human being with feelings. She's a bit too dependant but thats expected from a princess ig. She's also being too pushy up to the point where i just want to drop this. It's annoying. Like girl, just stop. He doesn't like sweets so just drop it. Its not going to make him fall in love with you. I'm still hanging on by a tread because i want to see the characters develop. idk anymore. Sorry this is long and bitter 😂 i just dont like how most people here dont see anything wrong with fl. Ml has his own faults and i acknowledge that. Anyway, imma get going now. Thank you for the translations and happy reading everyone!! ^^

(Edit) nvm mostly everyone agrees with me too. Thats a relief ig. Anyway, bye and happy reading again 😂
Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
Being optimistic and persistent is nice and all, but she’s kind of making me cringe here. It’s a work in progress, i guess…?

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