Hard-Boiled Love - Ch. 8

Aggregator gang
Aug 19, 2018
So the TLDR of the translator note at the end is:

You want to pick up the series? Go ahead, just don't butcher it with terrible grammar and cleaning skills because it wouldn't do the author and his work any justice.

Did I get that right?
Group Leader
May 1, 2019
That's some angry translator note. Like gosh xD

Can't wait for the rest! <3
Group Leader
Jul 26, 2020
@doradora pretty much, sorry for letting off so much steam. I tend to talk/cuss too much when I'm angry. But been seeing too many people pick up series that just destroy the effort the author puts into it. I'm fine if they don't know any better, but many make the excuse that basically equate to "I can't be bothered to do any of these" when there are many tutorials online about scanlating they can find with a simple Google search. At least after this rant, I don't wanna put any more angry rants into notes cause that probably ruins it for you guys as well, so that'll hopefully be the last.
Jan 5, 2020
Totally agree with the note at the end. All these quick IG translators and mggo people jumping on multiple series just because they want faster updates and totally ruining the quality has been pissing me off for a long time.
Keeping that aside, thank you very much for the update 😁😁
Group Leader
Jul 26, 2020
@gigabytes Tbh, I'm fine with these people if they did a decent job at scanlating. I've seen tons of solo translators on Tumblr do an amazing job at scanlating, and this is because they don't wanna disrespect the author's work at all. Lots of people say they love the work and the author, but only a few really show it through actions. Granted, lots of solo translators/scanlators do wanna get better, but don't know, and that's probably our fault as a community as a whole (scanlation I mean), but doesn't mean some can go and threaten readers that they'll stop scanlating or that they should go eff off if they mention anything about their scanlation quality. I would gladly promote and share tips and tricks to those that are serious about getting better, cause in the end, it's a win-win for everybody. Except the author, financially, but well, that's a different topic in and of itself. Glad you enjoy it! We'll probably have to post multiple chapters in the coming month, just to scare off some of these low-effort scanlators, so keep an eye out for those ^^
Dec 5, 2018
Thank you so much for the quality work and I absolutely agree with the note at the end. People coming in to this story are pulled in by the art, but when the translation and cleaning is bad, it really turns people off from the story and does the creators no justice. Again, thank you so much for your time, effort and skill❤️
Aug 30, 2020
tysm for your hard work! you can always tell when a group takes the time and effort to make high quality stuff!
Active member
May 24, 2019
R/gatekeeping is that way. I get what you're saying, but you also don't get to "scare away" the groups that aren't up to your particular standards. You don't like the translation work one group does? Don't read it. Simple as that.
Group Leader
Jul 26, 2020
@Xel7 Yeah, when you said that and after some time thinking about how I said it, I did realize my rant could scare off people that weren't the intended audience, which is definitely my bad, sorry about that. I'm the same in that if I don't like someone's quality, I don't read it. But then I realized later on that not all people actually do that, so gonna have to work on another chapter to quickly mention that. That, and I forgot to mention that people shouldn't harass any translator, even if they don't think their quality is good. Thanks for reminding me. Also, this rant was in reply to someone who literally put screenshots through Papago and posted them as is, telling people to stop complaining because they were too lazy to edit-- this is their words btw, but even then, still a good idea to remind people to just drop a group's work than be mean.
Active member
Mar 20, 2019
Oooh, thank you for giving us the artist's twitter! I'd been looking for it, but since I don't know Jack about Korean, it was kinda fruitless. And thanks again for the lovely translations, as always!
May 31, 2018
You guys are doing an amazing job and I thank you so much for all your hard work
Jan 31, 2021
I agree with that rant so hard, I remember a series i loved changed scanlators to someone who just,,, butchered every aspect. Legitimately could not understand their translations and they put no effort into typesetting or formatting or anything, and when people complained the translator called them stupid and ungrateful 😩 ended up just dropping the series cause I couldnt understand what was happening anyways lol

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