He gives each of them what they need to be happy. When they find that happiness they go or stay as they choose.
Madoka needed someone to make her feel useful and safe and loved. Yuzu needed to love SOMEONE and to find the strength to say "no" to the beautiful disaster that is Joe. Koharu needed money so she could be of use to her family and for someone to take her in hand and rehabilitate her ability to trust men.
Sure he got sex and comfort and support our of the deal, so what? Altruism is a lie. Everyone gets SOMETHING out of the deal, or else they don't make it.
EVERYTHING Ryuu has done has improved the lives of his wives, even if it didn't feel that way at the time. Guess what? You can't heal a broken arm without first setting the bone. That doesnt mean the pain of setting it won't lead to you being happy down the line.
Koharu called Joe "Bishop-sama". She has porno brain now.