Hariko no Otome - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.1

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 21, 2018
I'm completely okay with not over-writing the Japanese if needed. It looks more tasteful and avoids re-drawing. The "ロダン様まで。。。" at page 9 is a good example.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
@nikonekonya I had the same thought, the moment I saw she had a crochet hook instead of a lace shuttle in her hand. But the material in the close-up looks like lace. I suspect the mangaka mistakenly chose the wrong tool, possibly had never seen lace being knitted.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
@Ohgodpleaseno Fun fact: The biggest reason it's not really comparable is because crochet can't be done by machine, even today. Knitted lace can be done even on home knitting machines.

@Mojo That would be tatting I believe. You basically cast on stitches like you would if you were knitting but onto a long, super fine needle. Then you pull the thread through the stitches to complete it. It's a newer form of shuttle tatting that gets used a lot more with beads since you can put them onto the needle easier.

@whatiseehere Lmao goddammit Mangaka!!! This shit always happens!

@Fushiginiku Probably! It looks like they used an image with a filter on it for the lace itself - it actually looks more like a table runner with doilies in the middle. So she's not even crocheting it correctly - she'd have to create all the doilies first and then join them since they're made in the round and she's crocheting straight across haha. Shuttle tatting is super rare nowadays anyway, that and bobbin lace are two things I've never seen other people do (I've only started shuttle tatting and dislike it tbh)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
@TheDollCollector :
Basically, it's a 'reveal' that the embroidery that has been done by the family went from spirit-blessed way (like the founder and Ewey do) to this 'contract with monster' way at some point.

The spider, which is normally a monster, is obedient to the family via the contract.
So the person in the background is either Ewey's sister or mother, forced to sign the contract and is slowly dying from the effect of the monster spider possibly draining their life to replicate the blessing (since I think all the spirits left with Ewey at this point)

Btw part of the contract is also that it is broken if the person is no longer part of the Nylle family.
So the father thinks that when Rodan marries Ewey (his assumed reason for Rodan taking her), the contract will be broken and Ewey's little white spider will return to being a monster and kill people nearby, Rodan and Ewey included.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
@nikonekonya Yes! Tatting sound about right 🤔

Ah, I finally found an example of what I was talking about!


I think she called it "needlepoint lace"


Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
lol @ the "before and after" comparison. Literally just a full night's sleep and a comb. Manga art style is so laughably limited
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
@nikonekonya I know the shuttle thing only because my grandmother did it. I'm an old dude, and my grandmother remembered world war I, so if it's an old approach, I'm not surprised.
Fed-Kun's army
May 7, 2019
@Mojo oh needlepoint lace is very lovely, but I was never interested in "needle" crafts - I end up stabbing my fingers bloody way too much haha. When I tried it last time I felt like I might as well just do weaving on a loom since it's like a tiny one thread version of it.

@Fushiginiku Yeup, funny enough shuttle tatting was more of a form of leisure/keep your hands busy type of hobby for more richer women before that. You'd only really see it on linens or children's clothing, or "poor" people since Queen Victoria made bobbin/knit lace much more popular. Labourers couldn't really do it with rough hands since it'd fray the threads/dirty hands would make the thread dirty. There's now cro-tatting (crochet tatting) and "takashima tatting," where a woman in japan designed and patented her own specially designed crochet hooks to work similar to needle tatting. Once japan lifts restrictions on shipping I'll be picking up a set of hooks, you should look into it if you want to pick it up (it's easy to do while watching tv/anime/whatever). I got some tiny hands and arm issues so shuttle tatting makes my arms feel like they're burning haha.
Active member
Dec 20, 2020
A sad story for an isekai. Is this to show how bad woman has always been treated no matter where or when? Come to think of it, I can't understand why certain folks do "enjoy" reading or watching Tragedies. To me, it just make me feel forced to try to sympathize with a fictional character when there are millions upon millions of real world examples. 🤔🤔🤔

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